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January 2024

Believe it or not, on New Year’s Eve, we still celebrate the ancient Roman religion/myth of Janus, who presided over the beginning and end. So one face looked at the past and the other the coming new year. In fact, January is named after Janus. He also represented the beginning and end of the conflict. […]

The Ukrainian Financial Panic

I have warned that Zelensky will go down in history as the evil ruler he truly is. And for those who constantly want to pretend this is Russian propaganda, tell that to the 500,000 Ukrainian soldiers who are dead and all the broken homes Zelensky has left behind, along with the 8 to 10 million […]

Climate Change – You Are the Problem

Let’s get real. The entire nonsense of climate change is camouflage for the real agenda of reducing the population. Bill Gates has been funding this and reducing the people, for you are the carbon he wants to eliminate. This entire idea that was stuffed into his head by his father dates back to Malthus. They […]

Special Prosecutor Jack Smith is Destroying the United States

I have previously warned that this hatred of Donald Trump is absolutely destroying our nation. Special counsel Jack Smith disclosed in court filings that he retrieved data from former President Donald Trump‘s smartphone and intends to use it in the trial. This is just astonishing. Smith has revealed that he extracted data from Trump‘s smartphone, […]

Will the Supreme Court Save the Nation?

The Supervisory Power of the Supreme Court   This effort to prevent Trump from running for President is presenting a major CONSTITUTIONAL CRISIS. We have the extremely LEFTIST Supreme Court of Colorado ruling unconstitutionally that Trump should be barred from being on the ballot. Then we have the Michigan Supreme Court ruling against Colorado. Now, […]

White House Insists Media Praises Bidenomics

News outlets are circulating that the White House is “deeply frustrated” that the media is not glorifying the unseen success of Bidenomics. A source told the Hill that meetings are taking place to discuss how they can gaslight the public into believing that the Biden Administration has improved Americans’ financial situation. “The meetings are intended […]

Massive Dark Hole Opens in the Sun – We are in a Solar MINIMUM  

An enormous dark hole has opened up in the surface of the sun, emitting streams of unusually fast radiation, known as solar wind, right at Earth. The size of the temporary gap is wider than 60 Earths and extraordinary at this stage of the solar cycle. This phenomenon, known as a coronal hole, took shape […]

Revolution v Civil War

A revolution cannot be used interchangeably with “civil war.” For you see, a civil war occurs when the people are divided and fight one another; a revolution occurs when the people join forces and overthrow the government. As indicated in the Oxford dictionary: Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in […]

Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

COMMENT: You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine. LS ANSWER: As they say, history is written by the victor. I do not know what planet you are from, but I have said MANY times that typically, an equal amount or more civilians die in war than soldiers. It does not […]

Colorado Decision is Flat Outright Illegal

There is such a thing in the Federal Constitution known as the Supremacy Clause. No state statute can overrule the Constitution. These four judges have actually violated their oath of office, and this could easily rise to the level of Treason. I find it curious that the new Civil War film talks about war with […]