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The Dow for the Close of May 20, 2016

The first Minor Weekly Bearish Reversal in the Dow lies at 17434. A closing beneath this for the week will confirm what already appears to be in motion after electing three Daily Bearish Reversals. The next critical area is 17120, which happens to be a Daily and Weekly Bearish Reversal. This is the primary support. […]

Up – Down – Sideways? What is Going On?

Of course, the markets have been causing losses among the bulls as well as the bears. This is what they do and MUST do before they can actually make a decisive move of the nature we are looking at ahead. It becomes rather amusing to watch the so-called professionals, who are constantly wrong, brood and […]

Failure of the Quantity of Money Theory

QUESTION: Marty; Are you saying that Bill Gross is wrong and they will not try “helicopter money” again or that “helicopter money” will not stimulate the economy? ANSWER: Whether or not the Fed tries to apply “helicopter money” is highly debatable. Bill Gross DID NOT make a forecast that any QE (Quantitative Easing) would be successful or […]

Did the Fed Create Cash or Debt with QE?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; some people say you are wrong because the Fed did not create “cash,” but rather made more debt available through the QE process and whether people hoard money is irrelevant. I do not agree with this statement for the Fed clearly bought bonds, they did not create debt. It seems some people have […]

The Pension Crisis is Starting

The pension crisis set in motion by negative interest rates will be a major issue in the years ahead. Central banks have really screwed the entire social system and now everyone’s future is at risk. You cannot maintain negative to exceptionally low interest rates to help the bankers and claim it will ignite inflation and […]

Confused Confidence

QUESTION: Hi Marty! I am reading and studying your blogs and Socrates for quite some time and I would really like to thank you for all the insights! Some days I listen to bloomberg radio for knowing what ‘they’ are saying about the market developments. As I am not an experienced trader as you are, […]

Strange Movement in Capital Flows – Someone is Trying to Push Markets

There is a lot of volume focusing on the yen and the Nikkei. It appears someone is trying to push the markets through support and there is a lot of volume taking place. They seem to be trying to crack the Nikkei and are selling the dollar. It appears they are trying to crack the […]

Why Government Cannot Create Inflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have listened to the gold propaganda and believed in it initially but with time they always say the same thing and nothing happens. One would think that this helicopter money should have produced inflation. This effort has failed as Japan and Europe keep moving negative punishing people for not spending. Now […]

Asset Recycling – Robbing Pensions to Cover Govt. Costs

We are facing a pension crisis, thanks to negative interest rates that have destroyed pension funds. Pension funds are a tempting pot of money that government cannot keep its hands out of. The federal government of Canada, for example, is looking to reduce the cost of government by shifting Canada’s mounting infrastructure costs to the […]

Draghi at War with Reason & Other Central Banks

Tensions are starting to rise between Germany and the ECB because Draghi will not admit his negative interest rates are causing an economic meltdown. “We continue to expect them (interest rates) to remain at present or lower levels for an extended period of time, and well past the horizon of our net asset purchases.” Draghi is absolutely […]