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Marxism/Socialism Is On the Decline

  I have warned that we are in a period where SOCIALISM is collapsing – not CAPITALISM. The distinction is manifest in rising retirement ages, reduction in social benefits, and rising taxation. This is also evident in politics. The Democrats really have no face to put forward as their leader. Hillary lost and even Elizabeth […]

How to Save the Planet With Pushing a Button

  I have previously told the story about attending a dinner in Washington and being seated with the entire Environmental group. It was a Washington elite political dinner and because I attended with my friend Dick Fox who was Chairman of Temple University and I was an adviser to the University, whoever it was that made the […]

Taxing Income Before You Earn It

COMMENT: Hello Martin; I trust you and the state of Florida are healthy, hurricane or not. As to the German VAT pre-pay system, Ontario, Canada tax laws shocked me nearly 30 years ago with income tax on accounts receivable, whether collected or not. I was 22 years old when the accountant came to review my […]

Politicians Start to Run Away from Global Warming

Politicians have been confronted with the real cost of their support for global warming. France has suddenly come out in support of diesel because of the jobs that could be lost. The diesel crisis may have started in Germany, but there are more diesel car owners in Europe as a whole. Suddenly, when confronted with […]

UK Pension Fund Insolvency Soars by 30% in a Single Year

The London Sunday Times business section headline demonstrates what is really facing us and governments implode. Public sector pensions liability surged 30% in a single year due to low bond yields. It is not possible for the UK to fund £1.8 trillion. The first course of action will be, as always, raise taxes. That is […]

Government Confusion = Incompetence (Politics v Bankers)

QUESTION: Dear Martin Armstrong About The post, “Is There a Way Out of This Financial Mess? “ In the second last paragraph you write, “Taxes have risen as deficits expand because government thinks inflation is the danger.” Link: Shouldn’t that be Deflation? Thank you for doing what you do. U   ANSWER: No. I agree […]

Is There a Way Out of This Financial Mess?

We need to open the door to the future but that is only possible by understanding the past. Paul Volcker back in 1979 in his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle said: “Not much more than a decade ago, in what now seems a more innocent age, the ‘New Economics’ had become orthodoxy. Its basic tenet, repeated […]

Merkel Poised for 4th Term as Head of Europe/Germany

The German election takes place tomorrow, with Chancellor Angela Merkel the favorite to defend her position against Martin Schulz for a fourth term in power. The AfD will for the first time win seats Bundestag elections. The the union parties and the SPD are losing approval while Merkel’s party, CDU / CSU, polls at just 34%, […]

Climate Change on the Horizon

QUESTION: Marty, I’ve been looking at the Year Without a Summer on Wikipedia and read that there was a cooling trend prior to the winter-like conditions during the summer of 1816. It mentioned that it affected the northeast. Also that the reason for the cooling trend is associated with the volcanic activity prior to and […]

Spain Invades Barcelona & EU Shows Its Fascist Character

Spain has invaded Barcelona sending in an army of 16,500 as pretend riot police to effectively suppress and intimidate the people. Armed police have seized almost 10 million ballots for the referendum to shut down any democratic process showing the entire world that Spain is still fascist and that is really supported by Brussels. The […]