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Trump’s Special Master

A federal judge on Monday agreed to appoint a special master to review records seized by the FBI during its search of former President Donald Trump’s Florida estate, a move that is likely to delay the Justice Department’s criminal investigation. U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon in West Palm Beach, Florida, granted Trump’s request for a […]

Bidenomics & Vilification of Trump

  QUESTION: The general view is that Trump has turned the Republican Party into his Party – Trumpism. You seem to support Trump. Would would respectfully explain why? DH ANSWER: This is a very clever tactic by the Democrats to try to turn Republicans against the Republican Party and to vote for the Democrats while […]

Something Smells About the Raid of Trump

Back in October 2020, Trump issued had issued a major declassification order for every Russiagate document. He also included every former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton document to be declassified. Sources in Washington suggest that the National Archives is playing politics and has ignored the declassification of all the RussiaGate documents. The raid of Trump […]

Interview: Trump Raid Deathblow to Democracy

Commentary from Greg Hunter: Last month, legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said the time to prepare is now for the chaos that is coming in 2023.  The destabilization of America has been kicked into high gear early with the FBI raid on President Trump’s Florida home this week.  Armstrong explains, “This really […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Raid Undermines the US Internationally

PRIVATE BLOG – Trump Raid Undermines the US Internationally Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

PRIVATE BLOG – FBI Raid Trump’s Mar-a-Largo

PRIVATE BLOG – FBI Raid Trump’s Mar-a-Largo Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

FBI Raids Trump’s Home – DOJ Planning Indictment – End of the USA As We Have Known It

The Democrats are desperate to win in November and they are taking the United States down the drain in order to forcefully impose their will, or should I say the Great Reset. On the approaching 250th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence, The Democrats are toying with what will most likely end […]

Trump: Where Do I Get My Reputation Back?

Former President Donald Trump has called Hillary’s Russian collusion lies one of “the greatest political scandals in history.” Hillary Clinton deliberately smeared Donald Trump’s name to distract the public from her email scandal. “For three years, I had to fight her off, and fight those crooked people off, and you’ll never get your reputation fully […]

Nigel Farage: Trump Was Right Again

German delegates openly laughed at former President Donald Trump for demanding energy independence and warning that their nation would become completely reliant on Russian energy. “Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation,” Trump stated clearly. Now, Germany is issuing warnings that an energy crisis is on the […]

Trump Warned NATO of Europe’s Reliance on Russian Energy

Everyone criticized Trump for condemning his NATO allies in 2018. At the time, only five nations were meeting their 2% GDP spending requirement on NATO defense, with the US paying around 5%. Trump suggested that everyone contribute 4% to build a stronger alliance. He never wanted to back away from NATO to support Putin, rather, […]