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The Real Digital Plot

  The move to end paper money and move toward a national cryptocurrency took a major step recently when the House Financial Services Committee task force expressed support for experiments to create a digital cryptocurrency version of the U.S. dollar. They argued that the United States had to keep pace with China, and in the […]

Democrats Moving to Impose Wealth Tax – 5% of All Assets

In Germany during December 1922, the last straw that broke the back of the German economy was a forced loan of 10% of all your assets. This destroyed the confidence that remained in the Weimar Republic and thereafter people withdrew the money from banks and started to convert to other currencies and to buy whatever […]

Cryptocurrency & the WEF Plot?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I was wondering, while blockchain technology claims to limit the inflation of a cryptocurrency, what stops infinite iterations of cryptocurrencies from being created (there are several now, with more planned) and how is that different from currency inflation? Is there something I am missing? BTW, are NTFs just a different version of […]

The Cyberattacks Are to Force the End of Paper Money

    I find it interesting how nobody seems to distinguish between a digital currency and blockchain cryptocurrency. The former is not traceable other than that transaction. To eliminate cybercriminals, the World Economic Forum is pushing ending paper money and moving to cryptocurrencies – not digital. With blockchain, the government would be able to trace […]

Who Are the Real Terrorists

  The World Economic Forum began warning the world the next pandemic would be a Cyberattack. It is very interesting, and not a coincidence, the cyber attacks are directed at the very things that Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, and George Soros have been pushing – ending fossil fuels and ending meat production. JBS’s five biggest […]

Market Talk – May 25, 2021

ASIA: Cryptocurrency miners, including HashCow and BTC.TOP, have halted all or part of their China operations after Beijing intensified a crackdown on bitcoin mining and trading, hammering digital currencies amid heightened global regulatory scrutiny. Cryptocurrency exchange Huobi on Monday suspended both crypto-mining and some trading services to new clients from mainland China, adding it will […]

Market Talk – May 19, 2021

ASIA: The price of Bitcoin fell below $34,000 (£24,030) for the first time in three months on Wednesday, after China imposed fresh curbs on cryptocurrencies. Beijing banned banks and payment firms from providing services related to cryptocurrency transactions. Despite this, a major US based bank, Wells Fargo, said on Wednesday it would introduce professionally managed […]

IMF Cryptocurrency is Coming to Dominate the World

The general talk has been that the end of the fiat monetary system is imminent. Central bank digital currencies allegedly threaten the US dollar, according to some very shallow reasoning and a total lack of understanding about why the dollar is even the reserve currency. Beyond that delusion, these people are claiming that cryptocurrency will […]

Who Are You Trading Against?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, hope your are doing well. I have some question regarding trading to you. Why is this game mentally and physically so hard to learn… normally every trade has a 50:50 chance but if I enter the market everything is going „different“. Just trade against me and you will become even much richer, its […]

Market Talk – April 8, 2021

ASIA: According to a study, some 75% of the world’s bitcoin mining is done in China. The reason given for this in the report is cheap electricity and relatively easy access to manufacturers who make specialized hardware. As a result, the nation’s bitcoin carbon footprint is as big as one of its ten largest cities, […]