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Market Talk – March 31, 2023

ASIA:   India’s unemployment rate rose to a 16-month high in December as job creation in the slowing economy failed to keep pace with the growing workforce. The overall unemployment rate increased to 8.3 percent, up from 8 percent in November, according to data from the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy Pvt. Ltd. That’s the […]

Market Talk – February 16, 2023

ASIA: India forecast economic growth of 6% to 6.8% in the 2023/24 fiscal year, slowing from the 7% growth projected for the current year ending on March 31, as a global slowdown is likely to hurt exports. The economic growth forecast for 2023/24 is higher than the International Monetary Fund’s projection of 6.1%, as the […]

Liz Truss’ Approval Plummets

Truss inherited a beaten-down United Kingdom. The Bank of England declared that a recession was inevitable, sterling continues to fall, pension funds are evaporating, and the death of the queen caused an overall feeling of pessimism. Recent polls show that Truss is actually less popular than her predecessor Boris Johnson, even when Johnson was under […]

Market Talk – September 30, 2022

ASIA:   India’s economy is forecast to grow by 7% this year, making it the 5th largest in the world, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said. India’s economy has overtaken the United Kingdom’s in terms of size, making it the fifth biggest. That’s according to the latest figures from the International Monetary Fund. India’s growth […]

The UK has a Refugee Problem

Migrants are risking their lives by boarding small boats to cross the English Channel to the UK. Over 600 people on 14 ships reached Britain last Saturday alone. About 1,843 illegal immigrants crossed into the UK in 2019, but that number quickly multiplied to 28,526 in 2021. Now, the nation is bracing for 60,000 undocumented […]

Klaus Schwab – How to Rule the World – Maybe!

    Klaus Schwab does not understand human nature or how the world economy functions. He preaches Stakeholder Economics which failed and was instituted during the Depression BECAUSE there were no government programs. The theory then was that companies should contribute to saving society. It failed because there was no coordination, for every company was […]

Market Talk – August 1, 2022

ASIA: China’s manufacturing PMI fell to 50.4 in July from 51.7 the previous month, according to media reports on August 1. That was below market analysts’ expectations of 51.5 for July, but above the 50-point index that separates growth from decline, they added. . Market analysts said the decline was a result of weakening economic […]

Capital Controls in Europe Have Arrived

COMMENT: Dear Marty, I was trying to wire money from my bank account in Italy to the one in the UK, just to realise that I can no longer transfer more than 6,000EUR per month. The Soviet EUSSR is in full capital controls mode. I am missing the beauty of Italy every day, but I […]

British Politics – Johnson Resigns Taking the Pound With Him

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You rather bluntly rejected meeting with our PM. It looks like you were correct. Will we now turn to Labour to kill the British pound? HJ ANSWER: Boris Johnson is a disgrace. I had heard that he was untrustworthy and I think he has tried to lie his way out of too […]

UN Tries to Blame Food Crisis on Putin

Honestly, these lies and propaganda coming from the United States and Europe is just a slap in the face and it demonstrates that they look upon us as the BRAIN-DEAD Great Unwashed. Too stupid to understand even how to live without their orders. The Biden Administration and the EU are desperate to blame everything on […]