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Market Talk – July 11, 2019

ASIA: President Trump tweeted today that China has let us (the U.S.) down by not purchasing American agricultural products as promised. This could impact the possibility of an amicable trade agreement. The positive reports indicating progress seem to have no positive end goal. Trump concluded his tweet with “hope they will soon,” a more optimistic […]

Facebook to Launch a Cryptocurrency & Compete Against Banks?

QUESTION: Why is Facebook going to issue a cryptocurrency? Doesn’t that confirm the evolutionary path of technology? ND ANSWER: The term “cryptocurrency” is being thrown around very loosely. It is true that there is increasing hype and speculation regarding a theoretical Facebook Coin. However, this is not a “cryptocurrency” it is simply a digital entry […]

95% of Bitcoin Trading is Fake?

  There is an interesting concern rising from the too numerous exchanges for Bitcoin. A study has revealed that the market is being manipulated to create the impression that there is a $6 billion market trading every day. This manipulation is all about boosting the image of volume using what the study shows are known […]

Market Talk – February 14, 2019

  Asia: Asian markets were mostly flat today with the exception of the KOSPI index (+1.1%) and the Hang Seng (23 bps decrease). The Chinese Shanghai stock market slipped 10 bps, even with good economic data regarding their trade numbers in January. The concern is still with the US-Chinese trade deal as negotiations continue. The […]

Why Silver & Barter Could Become the Alternative to Cryptocurrency

  QUESTION: RE: ….& Coming Barter System. So, are you suggesting that we may see a shift to Silver by private individuals as the only way to sidestep Government stupidity, or will it be even worse, like trading whiskey for toilet paper?? TWE ANSWER: Assuming government attempts to follow the IMF’s advice and create cryptocurrencies to […]

Australia Inserting Nano-Chips in $50 & $100 Bills to Track Underground Economy & Coming Barter System

  While the BitCoin people have hated me for not agreeing with them that a private currency could displace the currencies of all nations and BitCoin would be the new “reserve currency” killing the dollar, to me they are in serious need of help. They have ZERO comprehension of governmental power and ZERO understanding of what […]

Dark Overlord Claims it Will Release 911 Documents Unless it is Paid in BitCoin

  The story running around is that the hackers known as the Dark Overlord claim they will release 911 Documents unless they are paid a ransom in BitCoin. This merely illustrates the problem with private cryptocurrencies and it may be just a ploy to justify governments seizing private cryptocurrencies and issuing their own. They claim in an announcement […]

The Central Bank War – Nobody Notices

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong: I have watched in amazement how you connect all these elements. Everyone I spoke to agreed this was your best WEC ever. You have said the Fed needed to raise rates because of the pension crisis and it would have nothing to do with inflation but it has to normalize rates to help […]

Will BREXIT force Change in EU & People Hoard Dollars Fearing the Euro Can Be Cancelled?

QUESTION: Marty, your account of Carausius and Postumus being the ancient Brexit is really interesting. Am I correct that whilst this separatist movement failed, it was this Brexit that forced Rome to reintroduce silver? HM ANSWER: Correct.  Diocletian introduced the silver Argenteus in 294AD after the defeat of Carausius’ separatist movement. It is highly likely that old silver denarii were […]

IMF Tells Nations to Create Their Own Cryptography

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I have to say that Bitcoin has crashed again because the IMF says each country should create its own cryptocurrency. That would kill all the cryptocurrencies and you were right again. Governments will never surrender their power to Bitcoin. Thank you for your realistic perspective DT REPLY: I really do not get these […]