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Facebook Bans Ron Paul

After criticizing Facebook for censorship, they banned Ron Paul, who must in Zuckerberg’s mind be a Domestic Terrorist because he does not support his anti-Constitution movement. Facebook and Twitter and Google are running the risk that 50% of the population will seek alternatives and refuse to invest in any fund that invests in any of […]

FBI Warns of Armed Protest at Biden’s Inauguration

Now we have the FBI warning that there may be an armed assault against Biden during the inauguration. This is getting really crazy. I really hope that is NOT the case but I would not put it past someone deliberately doing so to blame Trump supporters to drive 50% of the country underground. On the […]

Uprising Against BigTech?

Many are calling it the time to revolt against BigTech. Instead of using Google for searching, which is tracking everything you do, perhaps switch to DuckDuckGo. I would NOT post any personal information on Facebook. Just look at the agenda of the IMF — they will look at everything in the future which is why […]

Our Super Rich Friends & Big Tech

BigTech has shown its true colors. They have been censoring conservatives to push the left-wing revolution because they have been promised, as the “SUPER RICH FRIENDS” that they will inherit the banking systems. They will no longer bail out the banks. Last March, the Fed began to lend on commercial paper for the first time […]

War Against Conservatives

People are leaving Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and were moving to Parlar. Google and Apple removed the Parlar APP and then Amazon kicked then off of AWS. This is a complete purge going on of all conservatives. We are in the midst of nothing short of a real live Russian version of a revolution. Cheer up […]

Censorship is Now the Norm – Free Speech is Officially Gone

    Google has just banned Parlar App and Apple has declared it will do the same giving them 24 hours. Twitter’s permanent ban on Trump shows that it is by no means a mere platform but is a political agenda in and of itself. Facebook has also banned Trump. For all the community guidelines […]

The Future From Here

  The word from DC is that they will do their best now to prevent Trump from ever running again and they will look to try to bring some criminal charge against him to disqualify him. Twitter has blocked his account and he has acknowledged he will leave the office. Pence, as expected, defended the […]

Market Talk – January 4, 2021

ASIA: The UK-based Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR) said China’s “skillful” management of Covid-19 would boost its relative growth compared to the US and Europe in coming years, and China will overtake the US to become the world’s largest economy by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast. Meanwhile, India is tipped to […]

Political Prosecution of  Julian Assange Rejected by British Judge

A British judge rules against the abuse of political prosecution of  Julian Assange which has become standard in the United States and Congress refuses to ever investigate. The mere fact that this case has made it to court let alone gone on this long is an example of political prosecutions that are a disgrace to […]

A World in a State of Total Confusion

While 17 states have joined Texas in their lawsuit against Pennsylvania for a fraudulent election, YouTube/Google and the new BigTech conspiracy against the people vow to delete any content claiming the election was tarnished in any way pronouncing Biden is the president-elect which is totally illegal for only the Electoral College can make that determination […]