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Lament – for the End is Growing Closer

QUESTION: How can one, specifically Trump be charged with covering up an unproven mystery crime that by definition he is innocent of (innocent until proven guilty)? And why does no one mention this. MC ANSWER: This entire thing is doing nothing but bringing down the respect of the entire legal system. I knew the New […]

Trump is Indicted – This May Backfire in Spades

Donald Trump is now the first former US president to face criminal charges after a grand jury in New York has voted to indict him on charges related to hush money payments to an adult film star. President Warren G. Harding (1865-1923), 29th President of the United States (1921-1923), has gone down as perhaps the worst […]

We Need to Question Who Authorized This Act of War

(Download this in PDF to forward to your Politican Wherever you are: Impach 3-6-23 ) Everyone needs to write to their Congressman and Senator demanding an investigation NOW! The acts of Victoria Nuland, most likely the leader of the pack, Antony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan actually rise to the level of Treason, – engaging in […]

Interview: Neocons Need War Because Monetary System Collapsing

Watch the video above or click here for the latest interview with USAWatchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong said at the end of last year the U.S. is being set up for a “nightmare fall.” Train derailments and political problems are spinning out of control, but the biggest […]

Criminally Prosecuting Trump?

There was NEVER a question that the Democrats began their January 6th investigation with the intent to charge Trump criminally with an insurrection all to prevent him from running for office again in 2024. They have “recommended” that former President Trump should be prosecuted for his role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attacks. This was […]

Republicans Take the House

The Republican has won the House. It took more than a week for the Associated Press to determine the GOP had won the 218 seats necessary to control the chamber. Never in my entire life have I ever witnessed an election take this long to find out who won. This is all the paper absentee […]

Interview: Banking Crisis Will Start in Europe

Watch the video above to see my most recent interview with Greg Hunter of USA Watchdog. Commentary from Greg Hunter: Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong says nothing is going to get better by the end of 2022, and he is still forecasting “chaos” coming in 2023. Armstrong says the plunge in the […]

Zuckerberg Admits FBI Manipulated the Election

Mark Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook aided the FBI in manipulating the 2020 Presidential Election. This is huge news that proves the FBI had direct involvement in helping Joe Biden become president. Zuckerberg opened up to Joe Rogan and revealed that the department contacted him to say Russia was planning to release a disinformation campaign, and […]

Market Talk – June 27, 2022

  ASIA: China’s economy showed some improvement in June as Covid restrictions were gradually eased, although the recovery remains muted. Economic activity picked up in June after financial hub Shanghai lifted its lockdown, allowing businesses to restart and most residents to leave their homes. That can be seen in a rebound in small business confidence, which […]

Sen. Kennedy on Gas Prices: “It’d be Cheaper to Buy Cocaine and Just Run Everywhere”

Senator John Kennedy (R-LA) ripped into the entire Biden Administration for economic mismanagement. “Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen — who was also captain of ‘Team Transitory Inflation’ — announced she’s really sorry but inflation’s not gonna [sic] be transitory, it’s gonna [sic] be with us for a long while,” Kennedy recounted. “In other words, she does […]