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Pensions & BIG BANG

  While I am a supporter of  MATT TAIBBI at the Rolling Stone, his take on the Pension Crisis is really off the mark. Taibbi focuses on the fees being paid to hedge funds as robbing state worker pension funds. What he fails to address is that the taxes are rising on the Middle Class to pay […]

Debt Crisis – Is Forgiveness Possible?

QUESTION: Dear Armstrong, I read your writing for several years and I thank you for this new light that you have put in my brain! Simple question, that it will pass you if the debts of the states were canceled? Best Regards A France ANSWER: Actually, Julius Caesar faced this very problem. He seems to have been the only politician in history who solved the crisis in a reasonable fashion […]

The Euro Crisis to Spread to a World Crisis

The Greek financial crisis began precisely to the day on our model for the start of the Sovereign Debt Crisis. That was truly amazing since we protected that ideal date in 1985. It is always fascinating to see how precise the world economy truly is – that strange hidden order beneath a surface of a […]

Comment from Portugal – Indicative of Worldwide Political Crisis

COMMENT: Hi Mr. Armstrong. I have been in Portugal for the last week. Here too people are fed up with politicians. Even in the country side the cities and towns are building unnecessary infrastructure (example of roundabouts in every single small intersection) just so they can raise taxes. People cite the unreasonable increase in property […]

IMF Admits They Are Clueless to Solve World Economic Crisis

At the meeting of the IMF and the World Bank, we began to see for the first time some blow-back against Obama’s hand-picket lawyer masquerading as the world leading of international finance. There were significant rifts between supporters and opponents of new state investment programs that LaGarde and Obama are trying to pull off taking […]

Pension Funds Being Taken TO Fund Infrastructure

The G20 Central Bankers and Finance Ministers met in Cairns, Australia, Sept 21st, 2014. This Summit reflects the attitudes about manipulating the economy where they just do not get it. Christine Largarde, head of the IMF, announced  “I congratulate the G20 for significant progress in strategies for medium-term growth.” However, Lagarde is a lawyer – not a […]

Big Bang – Sovereign Debt Crisis

The Sovereign Debt Crisis is unfolding on schedule. I have warned at the Philadelphia Conference that half of Germany’s municipalities are on the edge of bankruptcy as was the case with Detroit. Instead of reform, no, government just increases the tax burden upon the people who they see having an endless supply of money to be […]

Christine Lagarde – The Most Dangerous Woman in the World – IMF Advocates Taking Pensions & Extending Maturities of Gov’t Debt to Prevent Redemption

I have gone on record that the most dangerous organization is the now French led IMF with Christine Lagarde at the helm, which has presented a concept report that debt cuts for over-indebted states are uncompromising and are to be performed more effectively in the future by defaulting on retirement accounts held in life insurance, mutual […]

Fed’s Exit Tax on Bonds – Confirms Liquidity Crisis

The greatest threat we have to the financial stability of the entire global economy is the collapse in liquidity. Governments cannot understand that their desperate need for money that has unleashed the worldwide hunt (or shakedown) is producing the greatest collapse in liquidity on a global scale perhaps in modern history. Even just recently, the […]

German Municipalities In Crisis

I have warned that about 50% of the German municipalities are on the verge of bankruptcy. The pensions have been unfunded and are absorbing everything. As we saw in Detroit with more than 50% of current revenue going to pensions, taxes either rise, the borrow more, or they are out of business. We are in […]