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The 2017 Year-End Report

The 2017 Year End Report is going to really be important as we enter the beginning phase of the Monetary Crisis Cycle in 2018 combined with the Pension Crisis, which is the next domino to start the process of the Sovereign Debt Defaults to come. Keep in mind that a system collapses not from the […]

The Pension Crisis Coming to a Boil

The BBC has come out and reported that three million savers in Britain in what is known as final-salary pension schemes only have a 50/50 chance of receiving the payouts they were promised, a study has concluded. We issued a special report on the rising Pension Crisis and it has been unfolding on schedule. The […]

Monetary Crisis & How to Trade a Vertical Market WEC 2017

This Year’s WEC in Orlando we will focus on the Monetary Crisis Cycle starting in 2018, the Sovereign Debt Crisis also to begin heating up in 2018, and the Pension Crisis. How each will impact the future and the markets moving forward will be the key topic. Our audiences typically reflect more than $3 trillion […]

Germany Government Trying to Cover-up Continuing Refugee Crisis Before Election

It should come as no surprise that the Merkel government has been trying to hide the extent of the ongoing refugee crisis in Germany. The Merkel government appears to be trying to keep police surveillance of border controls top secret. Despite the fact that Merkel did close the Balkan route into Germany, the federal police […]

WEC November 3-4, 2017 – The Monetary Crisis Cycle

This year’s WEC (World Economic Conference) is time to address the beginning of the most important event perhaps in our lifetime that stands on the event horizon to begin in 2018. We have nearly reached our second target on the Dow Jones Industrial Index – 23,000. They laughed at our forecast back in 2011 that […]

Refugee Crisis Tearing Europe Apart

The European Commission is close to triggering Article 7 on Poland for refusing to accept refugees. Article 7 is called the “nuclear option” that denies a member the right to vote.  The Commission is reported to be preparing infringement proceedings against Warsaw for breaching EU law over its plans to bring the judiciary under government […]

The Refugee Crisis is now Causing Migration of Youth to America

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read your report that the politicians we have here in Europe think they need these refugees to pay future pensions. I read that the IMF has also confirmed your reporting. I understand you also meet with government. Do they ever listen to you that they are destroying our countries here in […]

Sweden on the Brink of a Legal Crisis

A Swedish report has been leaked that concludes the Refugee Crisis is destroying Europe. The report has revealed that the number of lawless areas (commonly referred to as, “no-go zones”) in Sweden have now reached 61, rising from 55 in just one year. This increase includes, not only the total number, but also the geographical […]

Details on Pension Crisis

Hoover Report on Pensions  

The Financial Crisis 1992-1993

QUESTION: Marty, it is well known here in Britain that you advised Thatcher of course, but it was John Major you advised and even wrote what he said during the pound crisis and the Soros attack. Would you ever like to comment on that in public about what really happened during that crisis. The press will […]