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ADUs Destroying Community

Comment: Thank you Martin Armstrong to take time to write on 15 min cities and accessory dwelling units or the ADUs. I must reach out and ask you to share my personal story on how ADU is destroying my once charming neighborhood. I believe everyone should have access to shelter, and I do not want […]

Neocon Super PAC Urges Trump’s Assassination

    The Lincoln Pact is the neocon Super Pac championed by Liz Cheney that has two objectives: 1) continue all endless wars, and 2) eliminate Donald Trump. The group grew in their demands after Nikki Haley ungracefully bowed out of the election. This is not a Republican Super Pac as they have endorsed re-electing […]

Mexican President Obrador Blackmails US Over Migrant Crisis

The US-Mexico border crisis has been a disaster for Mexico. The US openly asked citizens from other nations to flood its border with Mexico without concern for the repercussions. Mexico cannot handle the influx of migrants storming its own borders on their way to the Land of the Free. Mexican President Obrador is asking the […]

How to make a mint: the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash

In 1996, the US government released a white paper entitled, “How to make a mint: the cryptography of anonymous electronic cash.” Released by the National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology, this document basically explains how a government agency could create something like Bitcoin or another cryptocurrency. I encourage those interested to […]

UK Residents Pay More for Housing than any OPEC Nation

Those in the UK are familiar with the challenges that accompany failed housing regulations, high demand, and low supply. A recent study by Resolution Foundation shows that those in the UK pay far more for housing than any nation in the OECD. Finland technically pays more, but not when factoring in the total amount the […]

The Real Coup by Illegal Aliens Storming Biden’s Open Gates

QUESTION: Your comment on how you had the mandate from Hong Kong to negotiate with Australia, and the PM would not allow them in because they would vote conservative, has highlighted this entire agenda from the Democrats. They are destroying our country. Will Biden grant them voting rights to suppress those of us who work […]

Pushing for War – Ukraine About to Fall

For some time, I have reported that Special Forces have been in Ukraine, and Russia knows that. Now, leaked documents have confirmed that reality. Even in Vietnam, there were special forces there well before any official invasion. Ukrainians have used this, claiming that NATO is in Ukraine and hiding in schools using children as cover. […]

The Failed Promises We Made to the Youth

  The video above is an accurate depiction of how Millennials and Gen Z are operating in today’s economy. They were told that working hard and obtaining a higher education could afford the American Dream. Instead, they are unable to access home ownership, begin families, and are crippled by debt. Analysts now seem perplexed at […]

Democrats Are Dancing in the Streets Over Bankrupting Trump & Family

I have warned that our computer has put out a MAJOR long-term SELL SIGNAL on New York City.  You had better get the HELL out of NYC and not do business with ANY company in New York City, for the courts are no longer reliable. The novel action against Trump is that you claimed your […]

Would You Feed Bugs to Your Pet?

Tyson Foods announced on October of last year that they would begin using insects as a key protein source in their foods. The World Economic Forum under Klaus Schwab has touted the idea of replacing domestic livestock with insects in an effort to reduce emissions and force the masses to live with the lease while […]