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Disease Is Cyclical — They Want to Claim It Is Global Warming to Raise Your Taxes

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, it appears that even dengue fever comes and goes according to your 51.6 year frequency. Does this 8.6 year cycle appear just in everything around us? ANSWER: It certainly appears to be so. The dengue fever outbreak in 2015 appears to be on a cyclical schedule. Dengue is one of 17 illnesses listed as “neglected tropical diseases” by […]

Why Taxes MUST be Eliminated

The Guardian has obtained documents showing that the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is now listening to people’s phone calls. This has to do with money – not terrorism. The IRS now has sophisticated cell phone dragnet equipment, known as Stingray, where without search warrants they are able to target people to get them hiding money.  

Democratic Debate: Hillary Made Student Loans Non-Dischargeable in Bankruptcy & Bernie Wants More Taxes

QUESTION: Marty, any comment on the Democratic debate? ANSWER: The debate was boring, pandering, with no vision or reality! Everyone said Hillary won. Bernie Sanders is a fool and wants to make everything free at the expense of the 1%, as if they could fund the entire government and population. When I was in Vermont for the TED […]

Brazil Taxes 65% on Imports

COMMENT:  The Solution 90 minute CD was shipped first class to me on 07/23/2015 The Brazilian tax authorities held onto it until  08/30/2015. I received a telegram from the Brazilian post post on the 09/03/2015 asking me to go the the post office and pick up the package. Total taxes were 74.73 Reais Even at […]

Taxes: Eliminating a Barbarous Relic from the Past

  The FT ran a commentary entitled, “The case for retiring another ‘barbarous relic'” on paper money. Money has historically never been a store of value for money is on the opposite side of tangible assets. Even when gold was used as money during the 19th century, its discovery in California was highly inflationary. Rooms for rent in San […]

Belgium & the Hunt for Taxes

COMMENT: Dear Marty,   Thnx for all the insights.   Since a couple of months at a drive in chain in Belgium (Arlon) a couple of miles from the Luxembourg border it’s not possible to pay with 500euro nor with 200 euro notes anymore! That’s on of the proofs they are hunting people with money…. […]

The Audacity of Lagarde – Exempt From Taxes

The audacity of Christine Lagarde, who insulted the Greeks by categorizing the whole nation as tax cheats, is up there with Trump calling all Mexicans drug dealers. Lagarde said the problem was “all these people in Greece who are trying to escape tax”. This is up there with some of the most racist statements about Jews, […]

Reality of Taxes

Signs that should appear in stores

How to Teach Your Kids About Government & Taxes

Boehner Wants to Join Obama to Raise Taxes on Small Business

John Boehner, Mr. Ultimate Establishment Republican, is desperately trying to secure the passage of Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) for Obama, which would give him fast-track authority to secure congressional approval of at least three secretive trade deals without the public having a right to know what the hell is going on. Why is Boehner so willing […]