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Leader of Largest Party in France Wants to Exit the Euro

The boss of the French National Front, Marine Le Pen, wants France’s withdrawal from the euro in the case of an election victory. She says that France would be competitive with the Franc. Her party is now the largest in France. Wait for 2015.75. The other side of that business cycle should turn up the […]

The Euro – a Doomed Currency?

  We have a PERFECT DOUBLE MONTHLY BEARISH REVERSAL at 10765. The next one after that drops down to 98. Our long-term clients know what this means and how hard it is to achieve this type of indicator on our model. Here is the famous GAP in the reversals that highlighted the 1987 and 1989 […]

The Euro – Destined for 80 cents?

QUESTION: Marty, my hat is off to you mate. You are spot on about politically-correct forecasting. There was nobody out there but you saying the Euro was heading back to par. Yet not a single mainstream media will dare write an article about you or that forecast. It is more than the Bank of England […]

The Euro & The Waterfall Projection – Judgment Day

  We have not seen a Waterfall Projection on any market in years. All of a sudden, it showed up in Euro and in Oil. Those who have been with us for decades will notice that the projection for the high was virtually a perfect formation at the top of the circle based upon the […]

Beware the Euro

  The vital technical support lies at the 1.13 level. The Euro has some support at the 1.03, 1.07, and 1.09 level. After that, we should see the Euro crack the par level. This now seems to be the goal to devalue the sovereign debt of member states. Those who have claimed the Euro would […]

Delusional Demise of the Euro – It’s A Plan Now

The eminent collapse of the Euro was pre-determined by the disastrous design from the outset. Instead of accepting responsibility and altering the mistakes that would require political reform, we are in a position where Europe is simply moving into the realm of beyond all hope. From the outset, they sent the commission to our World […]

The Euro/Swiss Peg would Go “and they’re not going to be able to do much about it”

  Here are transcripts of the WEC since the Movie Producers filmed everything since 2011. They had transcripts made and can search a topic and come up with the time I discussed it. 4:11:02 “Alright, I’ll pay more, but he’s paying 75 so that makes it ok.” This is what’s going on. Every time in the cycle […]

The Euro/Swiss Has Been Warning The Peg Could Not Hold

  At the Berlin World Economic Conference I delivered the same forecast we gave to the Swiss – the EURO/SWISS PEG COULD NOT HOLD.  Indeed, its lasted about Pi 3.14 years before the pressure really built and 3.3 years it cracked. Who is to blame? The Swiss? Or does the blame belong to Brussels and […]

The Euro – Here We Go

  The whole idea of creating the Euro without consolidating the debts was the BRAIN-DEAD idea of academics with ZERO trading experience and lawyers. We really cannot afford these types of people making financial decisions about how to run the world. Whatever Brussels could have done wrong, they did. The EU politicians have assumed that […]

Swiss Peg Collapses – The Euro’s Nightmare

On September 6th, 2011 the Swiss National Bank (SNB) was aiming for a substantial and sustained weakening of the Swiss franc after Swiss companies threatened to leave because the rising franc reduced their exports. The SNB would no longer tolerate a EUR/CHF  exchange rate below the minimum rate of CHF 1.20. The SNB set out to […]