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Big Bang & USA

QUESTION: Do you see the Fed moving to digital currency and perpetual bonds simultaneously with other nations? I think it would be harder to pull off here, but then again, they may have no choice. I guess they have a lot of reasons to get rid of Trump, but there’s more on the side of […]

Market Talk – October 16, 2020

ASIA: Chinese cotton mills have been told to stop using Australian cotton, deepening fears that Australian produce is being specifically targeted by the Chinese government. Chinese processors set import quotas each year by the Chinese Communist Party but have been verbally warned by the National Development Reform Commission that they will have their intake cut […]

Market Talk – October 15, 2020

ASIA: China’s consumer inflation slowed in September, driven by a moderation in food price gains. The consumer price index rose 1.7% last month from a year earlier, following a 2.4% gain in August, the National Bureau of Statistics said Thursday. The median forecast was for a 1.9% increase. The producer price index registered a 2.1% […]

Twitter & Facebook Censoring the Truth

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You went from the most renowned economist in the world to a conspiracy theorist and now you are being regarded as the guy who really had the sources about the virus. Your sources about Russia and Ukraine turned out to be true. Your career is a cycle in itself. It has taught […]

Market Talk – October 14, 2020

ASIA: China’s stock market has soared to a record high of more than $10tn as the world’s second-largest economy continues a rapid bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic. The total value of all company shares listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen markets rallied to hit USD 10.08tn (£7.7bn) on Wednesday, according to figures compiled by […]

The Insanity of Central Banks

QUESTION: Marty, you mentioned several times now, that the ECB MUST convert to a digital Euro. I have done speeches about that based on a paper from the IMF (Christine Lagarde) last year, in which they too discuss how to do it. But I have a serious question regarding timing. I live in Germany and I would […]

Market Talk – October 13, 2020

ASIA: The Australian government is seeking assurances from China over the impact of reported curbs of coal imports, while calling on Beijing to end the freeze on ministerial talks as concerns grow about widening trade tensions. There has not yet been any official confirmation of the move – first reported by S&P Global Platts and […]

Market Talk – October 12, 2020

  ASIA: Shenzhen is one of the four Chinese cities to begin internal testing of the digital yuan, announced a government notice in August without going into the specifics. The latest distribution to consumers is seen as the country’s first large-scale, public test of the centrally issued virtual currency. Nearly 2 million individuals in Shenzhen […]

Market Talk – October 9, 2020

ASIA: The recovery in China’s service sector activity extended into a fifth straight month in September, an industry survey showed on Friday, with hiring increasing for the second month in a row. The Caixin/Markit services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) rose to 54.8 from August’s 54.0, the highest reading since June and staying well above the […]

Are We Running Out of Other People’s Money?

QUESTION:  I thought big police forces are malinvestment just like big government. doesn’t returning to hard money reduce malinvestments? BF ANSWER: These people can no longer fund themselves by borrowing. I have been advising in Europe that the Euro could never become a major reserve currency without a single debt. They are now looking at […]