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The Treaty of Rome & 2020

QUESTION: I believe back at your 1985 WEC, if I remember correctly, besides the 2016 target for the first opportunity for a third party type president, you also gave the date 2021 for the potential breakup of the Treaty of Rome. Could you refresh my memory on that one? See you in Rome Thanks as […]

The First Black Hole Has Been Photographed

  For many years, there were arguments that black holes were nonsense and did not exist. Astronomers have captured the first image of a black hole, which has at last has settled the debate. The picture taken illustrates a halo of dust and gas, which forms the outline of a huge black hole 55 million light years from […]

Democrats Pushing Us to War?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thank you for bringing attention to the geopolitical consequences of the Russia Hoax in your china-backing-russia-in-venezuela posting. I am a former engineer working on a military fiction novel involving China. While researching my book I saw troubling signs the Russian and Chinese governments reacting to this nonsense. Instead of driving a wedge […]

US$ Rallies as Central Banks Sell Dollars

QUESTION: I am a mega dollar bull – I totally get how it is the only game in town.  I’ve lived it too, having seen how the big banks work their balance sheets from the inside. However… occasionally people send me charts like the one below and get all excited.  They say we are de dollarizing […]

Inverted Yield Curve Points to Recession?

Last week, the yield on the 10-year U.S. Treasury bill fell below that of the 3-month note for the first time since 2007. This is what everyone calls an Inverted Yield Curve, and is seen as an early indicator of a recession. In that regard, it is conforming to the Economic Confidence Model (ECM) which has […]

Greenland Glacier has been Growing for the past 2 years & it will Probably end up 3 for 3 when this season ends

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; It is clear that your computer is really amazing. I was just ready how the Greenland Glacier is expanding, not melting. What you have accomplished by seeking to eliminate yourself is really a major contribution to society. Job well done, sir. PH REPLY: Thank you. A number of people have read the same […]

Keeping it Simple Keeps you Stupid

There was a 14th-century Franciscan friar by the name of William of Ockham who is credited with having formalized the principle that “simpler solutions are likely to be more correct than complex ones.” Hence, we seem to always try to reduce everything to a single cause and effect. Some have rephrased this as “keep it simple, stupid,” […]

The Cultural Trends of Women in Politics during the Roman Empire

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I assume you would know the answer. Is it true that the women in ancient times were more like Hillary seeking power compared to modern times? JF ANSWER: Yes, I have heard this assertion before. It is only partially true. Unquestionably, the first woman of Eastern culture to act politically was […]

Understanding Rogue Waves

Over the centuries, sailors have told legends of monster waves that would appear out of nowhere in the middle of the open sea. Most scientists dismissed the stories as fabrications and legends. These stories were reported over the centuries by sailors who repeatedly saw these rogue waves of gigantic proportions rise up from nothing far above the […]

Trump – Israel – Putin – Middle East

The interesting aspect of our war models has been that this cycle turned up in 2014 and we really do not reach the point of a major peak before 2022/2023. Back in 2015, we published a segment on the rising tensions that would emerge in the Middle East – the War Cycle. We warned about the […]