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Beyond Artificial Intelligence

We learn individually from experience. Unfortunately, as a society, that experience is lost with each generation beginning anew. We constantly act out in the same sequence of events because human nature does not change giving substance to the realization that history repeats because the passions of humanity never change. To take one giant step forward […]

Conferences – DVDs

2015: 2015 Solution Conference DVD – Full-Length 2015 Solution Conference DVD – 90 Minute 2014: 2014 World Economic Conference DVD 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD – Full-Length 2014 Cycles of War & Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD – 90 Minute 2013: 2013 Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD  

Public v Private – Cycle Inversion & the Dollar

QUESTION: Martin, Contrary to the sensationalism of this article, does the inversion basically just mean that gold is going down and the U.S. Dollar is going up? ANSWER: When gold is money, it obviously declines during a boom purchasing less as stocks and real estate rise. When the business cycle turns down, then WHATEVER is money […]

FDIC-Bank of England – Bail-In

  Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions A joint paper by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England   10 December 2012           Resolving Globally Active, Systemically Important, Financial Institutions Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and the Bank of England     Executive summary   The financial crisis […]

Its a Tinfoil Hat Conspiracy

QUESTION: Today employment came with 195K. 1- If Europe is imploding, China slowing, Emerging markets slowing, is the US employment story sustainable? 2- After the governments bond collapse beyond 2015.75, could USA devalue the dollar and make a combination of bond default with a new currency? 3- Is physical gold in the allocated form in a […]

Male or Female Makes No Difference – They Are All After Your Money

When Diocletian (284-305AD) came to power after the Great Monetary Collapse of the 3rd Century, he sought to restore the economy even reintroducing silver coins. However, to accomplish that he imposed aggressive taxation and invented passports since you could not travel leaving your town unless you paid your taxes. This is exactly what is in […]

Goldman Sachs v Armstrong

 Dancing with the 800 Pound Gorilla The strangest part of my own case was the fact that anyone who has ever attempted to go after Goldman Sachs & crew of Investment Bankers, has strangely encountered the heavy hand of government that is used to protect them resulting in the New Your Investment Bankers being called […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD – $29.95 + $5 Shipping

    Martin Armstrong guides us through economic history. Detailing previous sovereign collapses by showing examples of similar situations to what we are witnessing today. Armstrong explains there are only few possible outcomes to the current crisis and unless a radical change occurs we will face similar fates as our ancestors have seen before. A […]

Sovereign Debt Crisis DVD Has Arrived – $29.95 + $5 Shipping

  Martin Armstrong guides us through economic history. Detailing previous sovereign collapses by showing examples of similar situations to what we are witnessing today. Armstrong explains there are only few possible outcomes to the current crisis and unless a radical change occurs we will face similar fates as our ancestors have seen before. A sovereign […]

Russia Moves to Defend Syria

  The Russian Vice Admiral Kulakov destroyer is heading for Syria. Just one day after the G8 Summit ended in the complete failure of Western leaders to overcome Russian resistance to a resolution mandating President Bashar Assad’s ouster, Moscow announced Wednesday June 19 that it was dispatching two warships carrying 600 Russian marines to Syria. The official […]