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Demonizing China & Russia – A Covert Means to Justify War?

QUESTION #1: Mr. Armstrong; The latest conspiracy is claiming that the Chinese are behind the coronavirus and it was a biological weapon. The new twist is the claim there is a “Gain of Function” attribute they engineered. The claim now asserts that there is peer-review citing a study Antiviral Research (Vol. 16, April 2020) entitled, […]

The Coming French Revolution

  Ever since the civil unrest began on May 5, 2013, there has been escalating economic tension within France. A lack of economic growth has plagued France and Europe as a whole. The French share market peaked in 2000 and has been unable to elect ANY Yearly Bullish Reversals to date, and 2018 appears to be […]

Market Talk – February 20, 2020

  ASIA: The slowdown in India’s economy has taken a toll on the savings of its citizens and that has resulted in the country’s savings rate falling to a 15-year low. India’s gross savings fell to 30.1% of the GDP in 2018-19 from 34.6% in 2011-12 and 36% in 2007-08. The previous low was 29% […]

Real Estate & Foreign Investment That Drives Up Prices

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for your free blog–I’ve learned heaps. I believe the greatest disservice a government can make is to allow foreign investment in real estate in their country. I have lived in Canada, New Zealand, and Australia where real estate is no longer affordable for many first home buyers. Inflated prices have […]

Cycle v Free Will

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, You have said that everything has its own cycle and that somehow everything is connected to pi. To me this seems to fit nicely within a deterministic framework. Hence I am curious what your thoughts are on the subject of free will. Could you please elaborate? Regards, E ANSWER: We all […]

Why are Some of the Greatest Entrepreneurs & Presidents School Dropouts?

QUESTION: Marty, what do you tell your son when some of the greatest people in business were all dropouts from Sidney Weinberg of Goldman Sachs who was known as Mr. Wall Street, Henry Ford, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Michael Dell, Walt Disney, Richard Branson, and the list goes on? Having a degree does not guarantee […]

Next Financial Crisis – Stocks, Currency or Bonds?

QUESTION: Hi Martin! Would you please clarify the difference between an economic collapse and the currency crisis? Are they one and the same? In one of the pro-private blogs you mentioned a collapse in government debt before the slingshot move. Would that mean that my pension investment plan may disappear before the currency crisis and […]

Market Talk – February 18, 2020

ASIA: President Donald Trump strongly objected to efforts being taken by his own administration to restrict the sales of American technology to China over national security concerns. Contradicting his advisors, he insisted that such fears were an “excuse” and reaffirmed his commitment that the United States is open for business. Singapore’s Finance Minister Heng Swee […]

Online v Brick & Mortar

QUESTION: Sir, My daughter works at a brick and mortar pet smart store as a 33 hour per week employee. She told my wife that PetSmart bought the online pet food store ie their online competition. What’s also interesting is that they are focusing on non-online activities such as training and semi non-online activists […]

Bloomberg’s Napoleon Complex or Super Sized Ego?

COMMENT #1: Hi Marty, love the blog. it’s the first thing I read every morning. on the subject of Mike Bloomberg, you mentioned the stop and frisk controversy but what’s even worse is the way Bloomberg got the city council to circumvent NYC’s term limits law to let him run for a third term. JS […]