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NYSE Closed on Friday

Good Friday The NYSE will close on Friday November 25, 2016. CME Equity products, Interest Rates, FX, Grains, CME Europe, and Korea Exchange (KRX) will be closed on Friday.

Market Talk March 21, 2016

With Japan on national holidays it was left to Shanghai and Hang Seng to show the rest of the world the way forward. With the help of the PBOC, adding ample liquidity and fixing the Yuan rate at  6.4824 (compared to 6.4628 on Friday) stocks saw a healthy 2%+ gain for the day. HSI closed marginally firmer. In […]

Free Markets are Nature’s Design

Everything is connected in nature including how our economy functions. A reader who grasped my piece on how everything is interconnected in markets sent this in. He made the connection with his non-linear observation. Something small can have profound impacts; the essence of chaos theory. For example, the reintroduction of wolves in Yellowstone National Park […]

Market Talk – March 16th, 2016

With both Asia and European markets were in pretty much a waiting station ahead of the FED, so it is probably worth us heading straight to where the action started! Even the events of the UK Budget were almost removed with talks of,  “It could all change come June 23rd anyway” so why get too hot under the […]

Space Time – The Chicken or the Egg?

Fabric of Space Time QUESTION: Dear Mr.Armstrong, Do you think of cycles and time as the same thing and interchangeable? Is it time that defines the architecture of a cycle or a cycle that characterises what we know as time? A ANSWER: This is an interesting and very deep question. Recently, a group of scientists have […]

The Central Bankers Are Crazy & Public is Out Of Its Mind – Where’s the Beef?

The central bankers are simply crazy, not evil. They are trying to steer the economy by utilizing this simpleton theory that if you make something cheaper, someone will buy it. Japanese and German cars managed to get a major foothold in the U.S. because the quality of U.S. manufacturers collapsed, thanks to unions. The socialist […]

The Dow For the week of 03/14/2016

While the markets have cheered the public admission that the central banks have completely failed in their quantitative easing and they will now buy more for longer, the technical profile is not as buoyant as it might appear on the surface. We have at least begun to enter the resistance area, but we have still […]

The ECB – A Victim of its own Ignorance?

“Rates will stay low, very low, for a long period of time and well past the horizon of our purchases,” Draghi declared. “From today’s perspective and taking into account the support of our measures to growth and inflation, we don’t anticipate that it will be necessary to reduce rates further.” The ECB cut its main interest […]

Bavarian Banks Not Depositing Money at ECB

Bavarian banks have figured out that negative interest rates are insane. They must pay the ECB to hold their cash. They have decided it is better to store their cash and eliminate deposits at the ECB. These people are just brain dead. They think negative interest rates will somehow “stimulate” the economy. They fail to grasp […]

Social Inequality – Who Actually Creates It?

QUESTION: Dear Martin Armstrong, I appreciate very much your economic analysis and read your blog nearly daily although I disagree with some of your political statements. In your last blog about Schengen you mention that “Everything is connected and nothing takes place in some isolated vacuum”.  Obvious. According to me, and many others re-known economists […]