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Birth Rate Declines With Higher Taxes & Is Hollywood To Blame for Divorce?

When we asked the computer to look at population, there was a remarkable correlation to taxation. The higher the taxes, the lower the birth rate. Indeed, this applied in both ancient and modern times. Even the Roman Emperor Augustus (27BC-14AD) who cherish family and was the first to picture even his daughter Julia on a […]

Socialism & Islamic Radicalism Are The Same Theory

The whole idea of “socialism” is based upon the same theory that led to the overthrow of the Shah and the birth of Islamic Radicalism in 1979. What is the connection? Both hold that the private sector cannot be trusted and that the state should manage the economy. In Iran, it became the religious clerics […]

The 1987 Crash

The 1987 Crash The 1987 Crash also became known as Black Monday referring to Monday October 19th, 1987. It was a fateful day when the US stock market crashed, creating a wave of confusion as capital and government failed to grasp the real underpinnings of currency. The 1987 Crash came precisely to the day on […]

Its Global – Even The Brady Commission Revealed that in 1987

I have told the story how after objecting to the formation of G5 in 1985 warning that they would increase volatility, create a crash within 2 years (2.15 years), and destabilize the global economy, the White House responded that no one agreed with use about volatility would rise or this would lead to a crash. […]

How Europe Fails

Ever since the ECB issued a report that claims the south was richer than the north to get out of bailing them out, the reaction behind the curtain is very interesting. The talk in the south is now to demand reparations from Germany for World War II. What goes around comes around. There cannot be […]

Inflation v Deflation – Reality Check

QUESTION: I read your metals report. This is really a great read. It is deflation that destroys empires by sucking in all assets like a black hole eats star systems. I am correct? ANSWER: Yes! The hyperinflationists only look at Germany and Zimbabwe and assume if you print enough money that is where you go. […]

QUESTION: If Gold is a hedge against the Governments, and the markets are never wrong, given that its in a downtrend since 2011, can question that the Governments (especially the West) have been doing the proper things this time frame / or following an evolution path?” ANSWER: It depends on what you call “proper”. Everything […]

Will Pension Funds Be the Target after 2016 to Seize for Our Protection?

There are actually people hinting behind the curtain that the Feds should take over all pension plans. I suppose they can then manage them like they do Social Security. Will this age of caring so much for us ever end? They are looking at more than $5 trillion there. The next crisis after 2016, who […]

Europe To Begin Capital Controls Soon

One of the solid rumors behind the curtain that has sparked even movement of gold supplies as some are now leaving for even Asia, is Europe is moving toward global taxation and is starting a “money laundering” investigation, which means simply people who they think owe taxes. We will begin to see new parties start […]

Why The Six Megabanks MUST be Broken Up

Senators Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and David Vitter, R-Louisiana, have a new bill that would make banks keep much higher levels of capital. With this new agreed upon position among governments that it is the DEPOSITOR who should do his own due-diligence, then the megabanks that trade other people’s money MUST be outlawed PERIOD! There can […]