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If someone has nothing to hide – Why Care?

Question: You seem to like to bash he government quite a bit but, really you have never said how you would protect national security.   Really,  I could care less if the government spied on me while they where looking for the bad guys because I have nothing to hide.. So my question is whats the […]

How to Protect The People from the NSA – Easy

If this whole affair is really about terrorists, then enact legislation that states no American can be prosecuted for any crime based upon any evidence obtained from the NSA. So if ANYTHING is handed to the Justice Department, SEC, CFTC, or IRS, then a citizen shall be ABSOLUTELY IMMUNE from civil or criminal prosecution. This […]

Science Can Manipulate Time

Ok! Here is our solution. We throw a time cloak over top of government and they just vanish. That is practical use of this new invention.  

1984 is here 2014

The primary reason why I have been touting that we no longer need taxation at the federal level is because money is no longer tangible. The evolution of money migrating to simply electronic actually allows the restoration of freedom. Taxes were once needed when money was tangible because it could not be created. The diehard Goldbugs […]

Keynes, John Maynard

John Maynard Keynes 1883-1946 John Maynard Keynes was a British economist who revolutionized economic thought, which is widely known as “Keynesianism.” The son of a Cambridge don, Keynes was educated at Eton and Cambridge, where his degree was in mathematics. John Maynard Keynes was educated at King’s College, Cambridge, from 1902–1906 and DID NOT have a […]

Understanding Cycles – the Two Extremes – Why We must Crash & Burn

Understanding that everything in nature moves in a cyclical manner is vital to comprehending the world around us. This is how energy moves. The waves in the ocean give the impression the water is moving when in fact if you throw a bottle that floats into the water you will notice that the bottle rises […]

Due Process & New York – The End of Reason

QUESTION: My daughter in school discussed your case as a denial of due process of law. Your case is really famous in legal circles. ANSWER:  I get that many times. Even my cousin’s son in South Carolina experienced the same thing. When he told the teacher I was his cousin, she couldn’t believe it. To […]

USA Why The Fed Risks are Nonsense

All we have heard is about the hyperinflation all based on the idea that the Fed has increased the money supply. I have warned that the dollar has become the new world currency. The German elections in September are not looking good. Let’s just step back a second and look at the issue without bias. […]

Long Live the Dollar

If anyone wants to know why the dollar will soar to new highs, just stop and look at Europe. The gold promoters will claim the bank crisis will make gold soar. But the dollar will soar. France is out to shut down gold sales and has outlawed buying or selling gold for cash. They are […]

European Recession Getting Far Worse

The economic prospects for Europe are impossible to return to any real recovery. We are looking at a long-depression for Europe that will not bottom for 23-26 years from the 2007 peak making this turn only with the end of the current Private Wave in 2032.95. German politicians cannot grasp that imposing austerity that has […]