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3D printing, AI and Robots v Dark Age

  QUESTION: Hello, Mr. Armstrong. Let us say that the future turns out OK-ish (post crash and burn), that we avoid another dark age. 3D printing, AI and robots do a lot of the work for humanity. The amount of available mundane jobs are reduced and replaced by our inventions. Have you had any thoughts […]

Germany Increased Tax Collections 4.3% 1st Half 2017

The Germany has posted a stunning 4.3% rise in tax revenues during the first half of 2017. I have warned that while the ECB keeps buying government bonds to “stimulate” the economy, they keep trying to sterize the expansion by raising taxes and hunting people for taxes. They do not seem to grasp that injecting […]

Gold & the Dow

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, I have been following your blog for years now. I am not a trader or financial person in any sense of the word but I take a keen interest in the economy and try to keep myself educated re current science theories for my own interest. I love your blog and your […]

New Proposed Regs You Must Declare if you have more than $10k in Crypto Currencies

According to the new draft law proposal, all persons who enter the US will have to declare their holdings in crypto currencies with a value over 10,000 dollars. This is the case with larger quantities of cash or precious metals. Naturally, they are calling this money laundering and possible funding of terrorism. It’s really about taxes.  I […]

The Overlooked Cost of Electric Cars by EU Gov’t

Governments first imposed taxes on alcohol and cigarettes under the claim that they were trying to make people stop for their own good. But as always, as the governments became addicted themselves to the tax revenue. Now they have taken the same theory and applied it to tax soft drinks in Philadelphia naturally because they care […]

Rogoff Tells Central Banks More Negative Interest Rates Will Be Needed

Kenneth Rogoff,  the Professor of Economics at Harvard University, is stuck in a time warp where he cannot think out of the box even once. He is telling the central banks that the next recession they will have to resort to negative interest rates and they should prepare now. Despite the fact that negative rates have […]

CNN Calls Anyone Who Disagrees With Them a Fascist

Jennifer Lawrence, who came out in 2015 and said that if Trump became President it would be the “end of the world” has finally come out and said our  politically polarized country needs to come together because “we can’t continue this divide and anger.” “There needs to be a bridge,” she told in an interview with Vogue […]

Governments to Control Large Cash Transactions

  I have been pointing out the crisis we face moving forward. The gist of this is the total fiscal mismanagement of government for which we, the people, are always blamed. This hunt for taxes has led down the path of arguments for eliminating currency. While people think Bitcoin is an answer, they do not […]

Government & Revolution – Is it Inevitable?

I have been warning that as governments move closer to this major event of a Sovereign Debt Crisis which begins next year with the start of the Monetary Crisis Cycle, they historically will ALWAYS, and without exception, bite the hand that has fed them. The object for government is survival of the fittest and that […]

Is Australian Government – Crossing the Line into a Totalitarian State

  Behind the Curtain, there seems to be no government going completely nuts more so than Australia. They are doubling taxes on all foreigners who own property, which is a violation of international law, and then they made it a crime for a foreign to even buy a house undisclosed. On top of all of […]