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Do Lower Interest Rates Really Produce Bull Markets in Stocks?

QUESTION: Hi Marty, Yes, the political situation in our country is out of control and you are right, there is no turning back. But this truly pales in comparison to what is happening in the financial markets today. It looks to me like the Fed has aided and abetted this ridiculous surge in stock prices. […]

“Economics” – What Does the Term Imply?

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, I am following your blog while living in the Netherlands and first of all I would like to express my deep admiration for the work you have been doing for so many years. And yet…..I have my doubts. Your company name involves the term “economics”. And when I read your blogs […]

What Were the 30 Silver Coins Given to Judas?

QUESTION: Marty, do you happen to know what type/kind of shekel coins Jesus was most likely betrayed for? Thanks, A ANSWER: The Biblical account makes no mention of shekels for they were not the coin of currency. Thirty pieces of silver was the payment for Judas Iscariot’s betrayal of Jesus, according to an account in the […]

Is Chile a Warning to All Western Societies of What Awaits Our Future?

Chile was believed to be Latin America’s freest, most stable and richest nation. However, it is now in free fall. Public order has collapsed, violence is rampant, and populism is the new creed of the political class. Chile imploded into a social uprising that was initially sparked by a student protest over metro fare hikes […]

Sweden’s Insane Hunt for Money

COMMENT: Now when everyone except politicians says Sweden is broke government increases the hunt for money. 27 January – Karlskrona municipality is measuring hedges and they threaten 650 homeowners with fine if they don’t cut it. The fine is 520 USD. 24 January – Dalarna municipality talking about a tourist tax. Tax for every night […]

The Dow – Impeachment – Economic Confidence Model

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong Thank you for this education. I’ve had to unlearn almost everything from the MBA I got. They’ll never teach this stuff in schools, it’s too dangerous. Question: If the Dow closes above the January high in Feb, would that be a cycle inversion, with the market going up when it should have […]

Why Exaggerated Nonsense on Flu?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Why is there such an exaggerated response to this Coronavirus when the death toll is far less than the flu each year? Both the Swine and the Bird flu are far more dangerous. Do you have any take on why the conspiracy contingency just loves such doom & gloom? HC ANSWER: I […]

Real Estate – Cycles – Real Value

QUESTION: Your real estate model which peaked in 2007 was the broad crazy speculative market you explained in the low end of the market. Then there was a rally back into 2015 which you said would be mainly in Europe and the high end of the market. I am in France and there an uptick […]

The Economic Confidence Model & the European Economy

The economies of France and Italy shrank in the fourth quarter of 2019. There is stagnation in Europe. Negative signals are also coming from the Far East. The German auto manufacture, which is the backbone of the German export-economic model built upon the old mercantilist system (selling goods to other people), is also in a […]

How Long Does it Take to Accept the Revelations of the Economic Confidence Model?

COMMENT: Marty, I have to respectfully disagree with the comment made by CR in the last blog, “The Dow & the Economic Confidence Model”. In the email he said, “Marty, I have to laugh. Only those who have followed you more 20 years understand you have discovered the hidden order behind the facade.” Not all of us […]