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Jefferson’s Proposal for an Expiring Constitution on a 19-Year Cycle

If there was ever a person who I would say was a mentor to me with respect to political understanding, it is Thomas Jefferson. It was interesting that Jefferson was often attacked because of his ideas. In an 18th-century presidential campaign, people slandered Jefferson’s candidacy to support John Adams, accusing Jefferson of being “half Injun, half […]

26-Year-Old Exposes Fraud of Piketty

A year ago, Thomas Piketty, 43, was the most sought after economist of his generation. With weighty arguments about capitalism’s increasingly unequal income distribution, the Frenchman achieved something similar to a rock star status. Nobel Prize winners were at his feet and praised his book, “The Capital in the 21st Century”, a scientific critique of […]

Asian v Western Views

COMMENT: Martin, I have read that in the world of eastern spiritual thought obedience to authority is identified as a normal characteristic for a soul whose consciousness is at the 2nd chakra level.  Apparently the ability and motivation to think for one’s self, to be a free thinker and thus a free person, does not […]

Discourse on Voluntary Servitude

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I realize this topic is not your normal everyday discussion in your blogs and it does not matter to me if you post this or not, However, I thought you might like this condensed story between my wife and I. To be honest here,  I recently read a very small book written […]

Fed’s Ability to Create Money From Thin Air

QUESTION:  Thank you for the explanation about what fractional banking is. It clarifies the real intent and impact of this issue on the economy. Would you please then explain what quantitative easing is? It appears as if this is indeed the creation of money out of thin air. cs ANSWER: This is a different animal […]

Even Flowers Know When to Follow the Sun

  The reason for Optimism is knowing that something exists and that empowers us with the ability to change. We can learn from nature if we look at the divine structure of how things really work just for once. Some garden flowers follow the sun as it travels across the summer sky. Flowers that track […]

Fractional Banking Myth – & Giro Banking

QUESTION: Hi Martin, I have only just found you and started reading your articles this last month after your interview on … radio..   It is a pain in the Butt we are not taught any of this in school, but I still have an HUGE aversion to a fractional reserve system where a private group or cartel is […]

Trying to Take the Next Step Forward in Economic Evolution

COMMENT: they now propose a bill which provides that savers’ deposits in Austria will no longer be guaranteed by government. The banks should be responsible for the safety of savings, not the government. Welcome to the almost obsolete world of modern banking.Our deposits/savings largely guaranteed by transactional bankers(whos balance sheets Joe Public cannot possibly understand the […]

Austria to Default on Bank Guarantees

Austria is now planning a far-reaching reform of deposit insurance – default. You pay taxes all your life and you are told government is there to protect you. Austria demonstrates the future all nations will face for they now propose a bill which provides that savers’ deposits in Austria will no longer be guaranteed by government. The […]

IMF Advises Switzerland to Devalue the Franc

The IMF has now recommended that Switzerland should DEVALUE the franc by increasing its money supply. This is advice from the IMF run by a lawyer who clearly knows what she is doing because she worked in Chicago close the futures exchange at least. I suppose walking by the CME on your way to work […]