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Is COVID-19 Over?

It’s incredible how quickly the media can spin the narrative. Two weeks ago, the media labeled anyone who dared to step foot outside as a psychopathic grandmother killer. Now, they’re urging the masses to gather by the thousands to take part in a revolution. Even Joe Biden announced plans to attend the public funeral for […]

Tapes Leaked showing Biden did What They Tried to Impeach Trump On Leaked phone calls between Joe Biden and former Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko explicitly detail the quid-pro-quo arrangement to fire former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Victor Shokin – who Poroshenko admits did nothing wrong – in exchange for $1 billion in US loan guarantees (which Biden bragged about in January 2018). The calls were leaked by […]

COVID-19 Behind the Curtain

COMMENT: Dear Marty thank you so much for informing us all about this whole corona hoax i had real trouble understanding why you were suggesting this was a hoax in January already could not match it with the facts i had available then and thought you had lost it that put me in real stress, having […]

Biden Becomes a Not So Moving Target

I previously reported that the Ukrainian prosecutor who Biden demanded be fired, filed a suit against Biden’s improper use of power that cost him his job in Ukraine. Now, a Ukrainian court has ordered an investigation into whether Joe Biden violated any laws when he forced the March 2016 firing of the country’s chief prosecutor. […]

The Plight of the Democrats – Hillary to the Rescue?

  COMMENT: I was raised a Democrat. Your forecast that the Democrats would split by 2020 which you made more than 10 years ago I did not believe at the time. Flash forward, Joe Biden, who the Democrats wanted to impeach Trump for influencing the election against him, has been proven to be a joke. […]

Ukrainian Prosecutor Files Against Biden For Abuse of Power

  Well, things have gotten even more dramatic. It has been confirmed as reported in Les Crises that former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin has filed a complaint with Ukraine’s National Bureau of Investigation. He has petitioned for an investigation be launched against  Joe Biden, which was the claimed basis for the entire impeachment of […]

Was the Impeachment a Sham?

QUESTION: Do you think the Trump acquittal was fair? HB ANSWER: Yes. This whole thing is political and was staged for the election. Pelosi said she opposed impeaching Bush for the Iraq War and Trump. She also said she would resign immediately if the impeachment failed. I think we will be waiting a long time […]

Market Talk – January 31, 2020

ASIA: Coronavirus, a pneumonia-causing virus, is beginning to disrupt the Chinese economy although it’s unclear whether the impact will extend to the full year. This is likely to push China to step up stimulus to counter the disruption in the economy. China’s Ministry of Finance said that as of 5 PM on Wednesday that finance […]

The Impeachment Trial to Influence the 2020 Election

QUESTION: You do not have comments on the impeachment trial? HS ANSWER: Comments are just my OPINION, which is irrelevant to forecasting. This is just a topless mud-wrestling show that reveals the hypocrisy in Washington that is disgusting. Trump will not be impeached, and this is all staged in a desperate attempt to influence the […]

Will Adam Schiff Lose in 2020? Will He be Compelled to Testify?

There has been an interesting cyclical movement back and forth in The California 28th District from which Adam Schiff resides. While he represents West Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, Northeastern Los Angeles suburbs, as well as parts of Central Los Angeles, Schiff has held that position since 2013 and the Democrats have held that district since 2003. […]