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Market Talk- September 21, 2018

A solid day for Asia following record highs for the DOW and S+P. The Shanghai wasn’t too sure at the opening, but then mid-morning managed to find a bid and accelerated into the weekend. This acceleration did not stop until it recorded 2.5% rally for the day. Talks are that both China and the US […]

Market Talk- September 20, 2018

A somewhat unconvincing day for Asia with no market really standing out from the crowd. Even with Trade Talks hitting all of the papers, the markets look to be dismissing much of the hype. Yesterday was a good example of an optimistic bounce, but the trend remains firmly lower as capital leaves the recent speculation […]

Boulders of Gold Discovered in Kalgoorlie

The Australian Gold Rush began in following gold discoveries at Coolgardie in 1892 and Kalgoorlie in 1893 located 370 miles (595 km) east-northeast of Perth. Once again, miners discovered two huge boulders with an extremely high gold content. Kalgoorlie is one of Australia’s most famous gold rush events because it was largely credited drawing people from around the world to search […]

Market Talk- September 17, 2018

Another day another US/China trade headline dictating direction and concerns. One has to wonder if President Trump and the Washington Trade team are tagging it and playing good cop bad cop with the negotiators! President Trump is apparently insisting they impose additional tariffs, yet negotiators are attempting new talks. Meanwhile, the trend for both the […]

Has Omarosa Manigault Newman Proves She is Unemployable?

Former White House aide Omarosa Manigault Newman said that she and others used #TFA in text messages, a reference to the 25th Amendment, when President Donald Trump did something “insane” or “so crazy.” In all honesty, she never before mentioned the 25th Amendment until the Op_Ed. She is an endless promoter and certainly, after this escapade, […]

Market Talk- September 14, 2018

Asian markets ended the day strong, with the majority of the broader indexes increasing over 1%. Japanese Nikkei Index rose 1.2% albiet the manufacturing was slightly worse than expected; bringing the index to a 7 month high (Monday is a closed trading day). The exception to this case for a positive Asia was the Chinese […]

Will Global Warming Sink the Netherlands?

  A friend of mine was taking a class in geography in university for the credits. The professor was all about brainwashing the class about Global Warming. The pitch was that with reducing air pollution from cars, it would be possible to save the Netherlands otherwise the seas will rise and the country will vanish from […]

Clinging to Old Theories of Inflation

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I think I am starting to understand your view of inflation. It is very complex. I think some people cannot think beyond a simple one dimension concept as you often say. So I am trying to be more dynamic in my thinking process. Here you point out that when debt is collateral […]

Who is the Fool? Trump or Woodward?

According to CNBC, Bob Woodward reported that Trump told Gary Cohn, the former Goldman Sachs/director of the National Economic Council to just print more money to reduce the national debt. Woodward reports this discussion:   Trump: “Just run the presses—print money.” Cohn: “You don’t get to do it that way. We have huge deficits and they […]

Market Talk- September 11, 2018

It did look as though we may have seen a better day for core Chinese markets initially, but sadly today was not that day! Having seen positive moves in early trade, price action returned negative following the regional trend. Shanghai (-0.2%) was disappointing but is trending lower as headlines seem to run confidence. The Hang […]