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Inflation is Inevitable But its the Interest Rates We Better Watch

We are in one of the most complex conundrums in financial history. On the one hand we have vast amounts of cash that creates tremendous liquidity with interest rates at virtually zero, G7 finance ministers at least alarmed about the high level of liquidity yet it is becoming obvious even to them that monetary policy can not […]

Change Only Comes from the Bottom-up

The Republican staff are all meeting in Virginia right now. The 800 pound gorilla is the upcoming debt ceiling vote. Of course, they are explaining that there can be no confrontation over this. So they are trying to convince everyone to vote for it and what is your problem. Effectively, the staffers are the real […]

Europe – The Greatest Threat to World Economy

  The German Revolution of 1918 that brought to power the Weimar Republic, had actually invited the Russian Communists to come take control of Germany. This is why Germany went into hyperinflation. ALL wealth went into hoarding. There was nothing to be found anywhere. The new government was unable to sell any bonds because who […]

Spiral Panic

One of the often perplexing notions about markets is that there is some huge short-player who overpowers the market and forces it down. Every investigation since the notorious Pujo Hearings during the after math of the Panic of 1907 has begun looking for the mythical short player. Never has any investigation every found anyone. It […]

Maastricht Treaty PROTOCOLS

  PROTOCOLS   PROTOCOL ON THE ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY IN DENMARK THE HIGH CONTRACTING PARTIES, DESIRING to settle certain particular problems relating to Denmark, HAVING AGREED UPON the following provision, which shall be annexed to the Treaty establishing the European Community: Notwithstanding the provisions of this Treaty, Denmark may maintain the existing legislation on the […]

Maastricht Treaty Final Act

  FINAL ACT 1. The Conferences of the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States convened in Rome on 15 December 1990 to adopt by common accord the amendments to be made to the Treaty establishing the European Economic Community with a view to the achievement of political union and with a view to […]

Maastricht Treaty TITLE V

  TITLE V PROVISIONS ON A COMMON FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY   ARTICLE J A common foreign and security policy is hereby established which shall be governed by the following provisions.   ARTICLE J.1 1. The union and its Member States shall define and implement a common foreign and security policy, governed by the provisions […]

Maastricht Treaty TITLE II (Part I)

  TITLE II (Part I) PROVISIONS AMENDING THE TREATY ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITY WITH A VIEW TO ESTABLISHING THE EUROPEAN COMMUNITY ARTICLE G The Treaty establishing the European Economic Community shall be amended in accordance with the provisions of this Article, in order to establish a European Community. A. Throughout the Treaty: 1) The […]


Stimulated/Austerity No matter what culture we talk about, it always fights the last war. Germany is scared to death about hyperinflation since that was its experience after the Communist Revolution in 1918 during the early 1920s. The United States has been scared to death about another deflation as in the Great Depression and chooses to […]

Obama is already Targeting IRA

President Obama’s budget for fiscal 2014 actually proposes to cap the amount Americans can save in these tax-sheltered investment vehicles. The White House has its spin to explain that some :”rich” people have accumulated “substantially more than is needed to fund reasonable levels of retirement saving.” The solution, tax it of course. Obama is proposing […]