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The Trend at a Glance

The desperate need for revenue is tearing the world economy apart. Just as during the Great Depression nations turned toward protectionism, the same trends are emerging throughout Europe and the United States. Most nations are now imposing stricter version of work permits and entry visa authorizations. Even Singapore altered its laws last April elimination the […]

Bringing The Gold Home

Conspiracy theorists have been arguing that there is no gold in Fort Knox for years. Well, they have not been alone. Sister groups have existed in Germany, France, and even England. The Handelsblatt newspaper reported following rumors that have been circulating in Europe for months that Germany’s central bank will now recall much its gold bullion stored […]

On Liberty – John Stuart Mill

On Liberty – By John Stuart Mill. With an Introduction by W. L. Courtney, LL.D. The Walter Scott Publishing Co., Ltd. London and Felling-on-Tyne New York and Melbourne [Pg v] To the beloved and deplored memory of her who was the inspirer, and in part the author, of all that is best in my writings—the […]

When I Was Wrong

Copyright Martin Armstrong all rights reserved January 12th, 2013 A lot of people who insist upon a return to the gold standard hate my guts. Others claim I have betrayed them because I do not support that view. There is a huge difference between theory and reality and indeed Adam Smith’s Invisible Hand applies meaning […]

Cycle of War & Political Economy

Copyright Martin Armstrong all Rights Reserved January 8th, 2013 At our conferences around the world, we have discussed the Cycle of War and how this too has been incredibly accurate demonstrating that what may appear to be random, is really highly ordered chaos. This turns in 2014. To set the record straight, so far there […]

Fate of Europe 2013

Copyright Martin Armstrong all rights reserved January 7th, 2013  The European Central Bank is taking a deep breath as its President Mario Draghi now turns his attention to desperately trying to nurse the Eurozone back to some stable economic health. The crisis management measures of the last three years have subsided for now as the […]

Congressional Erectile Dysfunction

Congress has erectile dysfunction when it comes to standing up for the people against the executive, courts, and runaway economics. I maybe speaking to members at a luncheon on the Sovereign Debt Crisis soon in Washington. No hopes of preventing the crisis, just that perhaps they can be pointed in the right direction when it hits. […]

2013 – The Roller-Coaster Ride of Your Life

Copyright Martin Armstrong January 6th, 2013 all rights reserved Already there are early signs of division within the Republican Party over how to approach the upcoming debate concerning raising the federal debt ceiling. These Republicans are out of their mind and this may be the start of the collapse of their Party and the place […]

A Massive Exodus From France

They say the definition of pure insanity is continually doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Under that definition, all politicians should be committed PERMANENTLY. Entrepreneurs who can move out of France are doing so ASAP. Reports are coming in from Spain, Switzerland, and Ireland where French concerns are starting […]

Common Sense – Thomas Paine

Common Sense INTRODUCTION Perhaps the sentiments contained in the following pages, are not YET sufficiently fashionable to procure them general favour; a long habit of not thinking a thing WRONG, gives it a superficial appearance of being RIGHT, and raises at first a formidable outcry in defense of custom. But the tumult soon subsides. Time […]