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What Percent of the Population Has the Coronavirus?

QUESTION: Marty, it seems that this virus is turning into a major scaremongering contest to boost ratings for people like CNN. Even if we take 10,000 cases in China with a population of 1.3 billion, the number of people infected is infinitesimal. Most people who get flu symptoms do not go to hospitals. It seems […]

Market Talk – January 31, 2020

ASIA: Coronavirus, a pneumonia-causing virus, is beginning to disrupt the Chinese economy although it’s unclear whether the impact will extend to the full year. This is likely to push China to step up stimulus to counter the disruption in the economy. China’s Ministry of Finance said that as of 5 PM on Wednesday that finance […]

Brexit Day Has Arrived!

Welcome to Brexit Day! The British Mint is issuing a new 50 pence coin to mark leaving the EU at last. High-profile figures are already pledging to boycott the new coin. Alastair Campbell will boycott the coin because the slogan opposes his core beliefs. Philip Pullman will as well because, he says, it is missing […]

Ukraine & the Obama/Biden Grip on Corruption that Was a Silent Counter-Revolution

QUESTION: Hi Mr Armstrong, I so much appreciate your lifetime of work and dedication to the Truth. I really appreciate so much your history lessons and deep connected objective lessons into the cumulative interconnecting web of this world we live in. I ask a large favor . Could you explain some Ukrainian History and in […]

The Impeachment Trial to Influence the 2020 Election

QUESTION: You do not have comments on the impeachment trial? HS ANSWER: Comments are just my OPINION, which is irrelevant to forecasting. This is just a topless mud-wrestling show that reveals the hypocrisy in Washington that is disgusting. Trump will not be impeached, and this is all staged in a desperate attempt to influence the […]

The Danger of an Idea – Just Change the Label to Environmentalism

COMMENT: The totalitarian need for and use of the new idea. First, after the French Revolution, the idea was Marxism . which led to Lenin, Trotsky, Stalin, Neocons and so many totalitarians. Today, Marxism is sort of worn down a bit, and suspected, so the new necessary idea is environmentalism, in celebration of which; the […]

Discovering Cycles

QUESTION: Speaking of cycles and frequency I guess the question is how to find the exact beginning of a cycle? You say 8.6 is the base frequency. Why not 8.5875? In other words, how do you come up with the exact day a cycle begins? A ANSWER: You have to discover them. The 8.6 I […]

Are Climate Activists Displaying Patterns of Violence That Always Undermines Civilization?

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong, I find it interesting how the entire climate crisis people are pushing so hard to seize everything and force zero CO2 which is impossible when a volcano or forest fire releases far more CO2 than driving cars around. Then they ignore the sun entirely when even NASA said we are headed into […]

Seeing Cycles Everywhere Around Us

  For years, it has been a sort of family joke that I view the world around me and see the cycles in everything. I had walked into a casino and noticed there were cycles to the numbers coming out on a roulette wheel, but more fascinating was that the cycles were unique to each […]

Religious & Climate Change (Part I)

QUESTION: Good morning Mr. Armstrong! Thanks for always opening our eyes! Could you please explain to me what natural phenomenon of cataclysmic proportions could alter the world and even change religion and who and how would they benefit today? What role should universities play in this scenario? What and how should we teach in classrooms […]