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Timeline of COVID Proves it was a Deliberate Leak?

Fauci really has to explain what is going on, but the Biden Administration will NEVER question Fauci nor fire him. He is their key to pretending they care about the people. The novel coronavirus outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019. Interestingly, Moderna, together with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), […]

Mitt Romney sells $23.5M home after years fighting with neighbors

Mit Romney is finally selling his home on the beach and the neighbors are saying thank God. Romney moved in and tried to change the fact that he wanted people to be prohibited from walking the beach in front of his house. I have lived on the beach for probably half my life and the […]

Biden & the Big Tech Fools on the Hill

Take a look at people who think they are smart, where Jack Dorsey in the tradition of computer science entrepreneurs such as Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and Mark Zuckerberg, also dropped out of college before receiving his degree. Apparently, these guys were all so involved in coding, they never bothered to listen in history class. […]

Pelosi made $4 million on Amazon Stock

When Journalists did their job – Once Upon a Time COMMENT: Marty; You have been so right. Washington is hopelessly corrupt. Pelosi bought all the stocks that worked against Trump. This is disgusting! FG REPLY: I have said before, when there were members of Congress exposed for trading on inside information, of course, nobody was […]

Biden Going Door-to-Door To Push Gates’ Vaccines

I really have to wonder what is truly going on behind these vaccinations. The death toll keeps rising because there is no verification whatsoever with these vaccines. A 13-year-old boy died in his sleep after being vaccinated. With any medicine, they tell you do not take this if you are taking something else. None of […]

Keeping the Balance

COMMENT: Civil unrest is defivately rising, your models are so good at looking far into the future! With incidents like this, I really find it interesting reading public comments on social media are empathetic and typically left leaning. I also find it interesting how ignorant the left are in not realizing that they are violating […]

Topple Statues of Queen Elizabeth II in Canada

In Canada, they are toppling statues of Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth II. A group of protesters gathered at the Manitoba legislature and pulled down the statue of Queen Victoria on Canada Day. A smaller statue of Queen Elizabeth II was also torn down on the premises. The demonstration comes as close to 1,000 unmarked […]

Is Hitler the Model Today?

  Ironically, Hitler is the model. He turned the people against the Jews, not because they were Jewish, but he targeted the Jewish bankers first as the rich. Then that was extended down to business owners and eventually just get them all. It began as CLASS WARFARE and Hitler understood the value of language. Hitler […]

Election Fraud

COMMENT: Martin, I am an election manager (coordinator) in —- and I have been observing the election fraud situation. In the states that are at issue, there were stark similarities.  To even think that one day, lots of people woke up and used the same techniques is stupidly naive.  In my estimation as a Washingtonian, […]

TAXES & the Risks Associated with The Infrastructure Deal

This bipartisan deal on new infrastructure spending that President Biden has reached this week with a group of “moderate” Democrats and “liberal” Republicans in the Senate represents a significant departure with respect to the Internal Revenue Service. Hidden within the claimed “infrastructure bill” you find $40 billion to beef up the IRS to hunt down […]