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Market Talk – June 22, 2021

ASIA: China’s imports from Saudi Arabia fell 21% in May from a year earlier but retained their top ranking among suppliers for the ninth month in a row, customs data showed on Sunday. Shipments from Saudi Arabia were 7.2 million tonnes last month, or 1.69 million barrels per day (bpd), data from the General Administration […]

Market Talk – June 21, 2021

ASIA: Australia’s complaint to the World Trade Organization over China’s anti-dumping duties on wine exports should enable bilateral negotiations, Foreign Minister Marise Payne said on Sunday. The government filed a complaint on Saturday over duties that were applied last year and nearly wiped out exports of Australian wine to the Chinese market. The Australian government […]

The Real Digital Plot

  The move to end paper money and move toward a national cryptocurrency took a major step recently when the House Financial Services Committee task force expressed support for experiments to create a digital cryptocurrency version of the U.S. dollar. They argued that the United States had to keep pace with China, and in the […]

Market Talk – June 18, 2021

ASIA: The Bank of Japan is expected to maintain its massive stimulus and may extend a deadline for its pandemic-relief program on Friday, in a sign that a fragile economy and tepid inflation will keep any exit from its ultra-easy policy a long way off. The decision would come in the wake of hawkish signals […]

Chinese Direct Foreign Investment Declines Sharply

Chinese investment overseas actually scored a 13-year low in 2020 thanks to COVID and the rising tensions of economic uncertainty as the West tries to pressure China to join the Great Reset. Even the pandemic-related travel restrictions curtailed put a huge barrier to foreign investment for China. Most critical has been the fact that Chinese […]

Questions: Ides of June 2021

QUESTION: Hello, re: Fauci Under Global Attack I have to disagree with your comment that China did not benefit. I think they had to have been somewhat aware of what was going on, or at least caught on early and let it happen. This was a big benefit to them, specifically with respect to Hong […]

The Rising Conflicts

This report, the Rising Conflicts, is now available and it focuses on Taiwan, Crimea, and the Middle East as the three primary hots spots where the risk of international war exists. This is a supplement to the Cycle of War and the Coronavirus so it concentrates on these three main areas rather than just the rising civil unrest covered in the main book on this topic. You will also find a review of Killer Drones where robots are being deployed which have no humanity and will simply kill human targets without thinking twice.

Market Talk – June 17, 2021

ASIA: China’s economy steadied for a second month, a sign that the post-pandemic recovery is in a more stable phase and that growth is slowly rebalancing toward the consumer. Industrial production rose 6.6% in May on a two-year average basis — which strips out the impact of last year’s pandemic — while retail sales grew […]

Understanding We Are All Connected

COMMENT #1:  Re Institutionalizing of Real Estate Market Hi Marty Thank you for this post, I see your point that it is better that hedge funds buy real assets then plunge the world into a financial crisis with a pump and dump scam based on securitizing mortgages into packages calling them A rated when they […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2021

ASIA: NATO leaders warned on Monday that China presents “systemic challenges,” taking a forceful stance towards Beijing in a communique at Joe Biden’s first summit with an alliance that Donald Trump openly disparaged. The new U.S. president has urged his fellow NATO leaders to stand up to China’s authoritarianism and growing military might, a change […]