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One of the most critical aspects of why it is so important to understand history is because it is both a catalogue of solutions as well as potential threats. At the Sovereign Debt Crisis Conference today we discussed FORCED LOANS. Both the cities of Venice and Florence issued laws FORCING citizens to buy their bonds. This […]

Puerto Rico is Becoming the Strange Attractor

Politicians being mostly lawyers only see their power to change and make laws as absolute. They fail to comprehend that they too must be competitive for their actions alter the behavior of all. They drive capital out and attract capital in by simply being uncompetitive or competitive. Puerto Rico comes under the US mantle as […]

The Slightest Uptick in Rates & the End is Near The deputy governor of the Bank of Japan admitted that if yields rise 1 percentage point and they will lose 2.3 trillion yen. This is just the tip of the iceberg. We face a tremendous nightmare. Interest rates have been brought down artificially so low to bailout the bankers, that they have really screwed […]

Greek Depression Will Not End until 2020 – What About The Rest of Us?

I have explained the Golden Rule of Corrections. Once you extend in anything beyond a time unit of 3, you are then in a change in trend. The Greek recession, and most of the Western World, began in 2007. We began with the Greek Debt Crisis precisely to the day on the Pi Target from […]

The Golden Rule of Reactions

Those who are new readers are probably unfamiliar with what I have called the Golden Rule of Reactions.  When it comes to TIMING, it is vital to understand the basic tenets of cyclical analysis. That fundamental principle is where do we draw the line between a change in trend and a mere reaction. That line […]

The Leviathan Shows Its Teeth

Britain is adopting US tax law by default – worldwide income. The US position to tax citizens on worldwide income even when they do not live here was NEVER enacted by the people in a democratic manner, but rather it was purely a creation of American judges. I explained that the US banks starting in […]

Are We Headed Toward Another French Revolution?

I have been warning that the objective of modern government everywhere is to eliminate cash to ensure 100% tax collection. There is absolutely NO INTENT to return to a gold standard and give up the ability to borrow whatever they desire forever (as they see it). It is now coming out that France intends to […]

Let’s Get Real – Madoff for Sec. Treasury

Look! Why constantly hire lawyers and bankers to run what Madoff was doing for decades. Hire someone with experience for once. He knows how to pretend to be trading and how to run a Ponzi scheme churning money around in circles. A Ponzi Scheme by definition is something where there really is no investment. The […]

USA in Self-Destructive Mode

Lawyers outside the USA handling Americans who live outside the country, amounting to 33% of the population of Canada, are reporting massive lines to resign their citizenship. One Swiss married to an American woman for 20 years, took their son to the local bank at age 14 to open his first account. They rejected him […]

Japan & Russia – Dow & Dollar Bears

If you ever wondered why the Dow Jones has rallied when all these domestic forecasters predict the collapse of the dollar and the Dow, the simple truth is they are so biased and married to this scenario of 1929 that they cannot see the nose in front of their face. They fail to grasp that […]