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Why The Six Megabanks MUST be Broken Up

Senators Sherrod Brown, D-Ohio, and David Vitter, R-Louisiana, have a new bill that would make banks keep much higher levels of capital. With this new agreed upon position among governments that it is the DEPOSITOR who should do his own due-diligence, then the megabanks that trade other people’s money MUST be outlawed PERIOD! There can […]

The End of Everything Has Arrived

A new EU Directive provides that compulsory levies in Cyprus will be charged over the weekend. At a meeting of EU finance ministers in Dublin, Commissioner Michel Barnier confirmed that the the people are responsible for the bank they deal with. Depositors will risk their money after the Bank’s shareholders and creditors of banks. It’s amazing […]

Blue Dollar Market

The Argentine Government has made it its policy to overvalue the Argentinean Peso (to hide the fact that people are buying dollars and smuggling them out of the country in any way they can as a result of the brain-dead policies they’ve been pursuing for about a decade now). Of course this has led to a “black […]

The Misunderstood National Debts

The single greatest problem we face is that we borrow constantly with no intention of paying anything off. In fact, if we tried to pay off the debts that all nations are creating, there would be massive revolution and the rivers would turn to blood. Why did city states begin to borrow rather than simply […]


The rise in Bitcoin to $147 is clearly a phase transition. Nothing moves in that manner that is sustainable. The cyber attacks are interesting. They could be major players seeking to disrupt the business to benefit short positions. Or it could be government attacks as well. The problem Bitcoin faces is the same we […]

Cyprus Proposal

Cyprus Proposal  March 27th, 2013, 5:00PM EST Cyprus Proposal   The paramount questions remain:   1)     What is the end-game solution for the Euro? 2)     How will the Euro survive after the Cyprus solution? 3)     What is to be accomplished by staying in the Euro and suffering the indignities Brussels is inflicting upon Cyprus? 4)     […]

All Gov’ts Acknowledged The Cyprus Model for Bank Bailouts is It

The Cyprus solution was in fact discussed at G20 levels. Numerous papers are starting to surface from Europe to New Zealand where government is accepting the idea that the next time bankers blow up the world, they can just take the deposits. This is even surfacing in Canada. We submitted our proposal to save […]

The Euro is Dead – Long Live the Dollar

Our phones have been in meltdown mode and sleep has been rarer than gold around here. Whatever politicians could do to screw up the world, trust me, they are diligently at work to accomplish that goal even ahead of schedule. The logic coming from the ECB, France, and Germany leaves a lot to be desired. […]

German Elections Will Get Very Ugly

The opposition parties in Germany are warning each other not to join Merkel. The general hope is if nobody joins in a coalition with here, she will be unable to form a government. There is a rising sentiment in Germany that if Southern Europe can’t pay their bills – no bailouts. This was the reason for taking […]

Eurozone Deposits Not Safe – World War III Begins

The fact that the German Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble has come out stating that savings accounts within the Eurozone are “safe” claiming  that Cyprus was a “special case” and not a template for future rescues, proves that in fact the Eurozone deposits are ABSOLUTELY NOT SAFE! You never state a negative unless there is reason to do […]