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Merkel’s Failed G20 Summit

Merkel chaired the G20 summit and she completely and utterly failed to lead G20 to a successful conclusion. Well of course, Merkel lost control of the streets of Hamburg, which looked more like a civil war challenging her authority. However, Merkel thought she could score a major diplomatic triumph by getting everyone together to gang-up […]

Country Risk & How it is Critical to Investment Flows

QUESTION: Dear Martin: How does this affect cash flow to and within the USA? (China Bond market) Rich ANSWER: It does not alter anything just yet. Most of the capital outflow from China has been its own people trying to get cash out. They were using BitCoin to accomplish that. This is a first step […]

Merkel to Confront Trump at G20 On Climate

Germany’s Chancellor Merkel is determined to create problems at the upcoming G20 meeting in Hamburg July 7-8. She is a brainwashed climate supporter who has refused to listen to over 31,000 scientists who have joined together against this Global Warming fraud. The Paris climate meeting refused to allow anyone to speak in opposition. They have […]

Illinois on Brink of Default

While politicians always talk about the poor and the needy, they never talk about how their own pensions are breaking the bank and come before everything else. It’s always the poor, which is the lead to raising taxes. So here you have a politician pleading with the people to tell their representative end the impasse […]

Are Bail-Ins Supported by Free Market Philosophy?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Reading between the lines, it seems that you support bank bailouts at taxpayer expense. Is this not counter to free market philosophy? KE ANSWER: Yes it is contrary to free market philosophy. However, it is the only reasonable solution at this moment in time without structural reforms to the financial system. If […]

India Taxing Gold

India has been fighting the gold trade for the past few years. They have sought to highly restrict it to prevent the net capital outflow. They even attempted to impose a 18% tax. As of July 1st, 2017, India is imposing a tax on gold bullion be it in coin or bar form of 3%. […]

Germany Secretly Passed Total Surveillance of Everything

Governments routinely pass laws that are expanding their powers to the detriment of personal rights that are buried deeply in legislation only a diehard will read. We have heard about these type of sneaky legislation in the USA, but all governments are the same and Germany just proved it is no more honorable than the […]

Chicago Police Pension Goes Bust

Chicago’s police pension fund won’t have enough money to pay benefits to retirees in 2021, according to a projection by Local Government Information Services (LGIS). At the end of 2020, LGIS estimates that the Policemen’s Annuity and Benefit Fund of Chicago will have less than $150 million in assets to pay $928 million promised to 14,133 […]

Democrats Can’t Beat Trump With All Actors & Media on Their SIde

Despite having Hollywood, Google, Mainstream Media, and countless violent activists, the Democrats still can’t beat Trump. They just do not comprehend what is going on. There have been four congressional special elections this year where Democrats and Republicans have gone head-to-head. The Democrats have lost every one. Even the Georgia election, which was not a […]

When Illegal Aliens & Dead People Vote – Elections Change

The research group, Just Facts, has released a study at post election polling from the 2008 elections that put Obama in the White House.  The data has led to the conclusion that the number of noncitizens voting illegally in U.S. elections is far greater than previous estimates. The new number is 5.7 million illegal aliens voted based […]