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The Fed – Rates – Objectives

  U.S. stocks rallied on Wednesday after the Federal Reserve suggested a less aggressive timeline for raising interest rates even as it opened the door for the first hike in almost a decade. The Fed has come under lobbying from other countries not to raise rates. The Fed will comply for now, but when the […]

How I See The World

  Albert Einstein Documentary To Advance, you must explore the world like a child – to simply be in awe of everything around you and to embrace the curiosity of wonder, never the assumption of conclusion. To be a non-conformist is the essence of exploration for within that element lies the wisdom to embrace the […]

Stock Market & Bonds During the 1980s

  The DAX is making this type of breakout whereas the Dow is crawling sideways along resistance. It is not quite ready for prime time. That does not  preclude the Dow from first reacting down with the first rate hike because so many people believe higher rates are bearish. Those will be the buying opportunities […]


CLINTON SWEEPS NATION—REPUBLICANS DEFEATED! by Martin A. Armstrong The headlines in the aftermath of the 1996 presidential elections will proclaim a victory once again for Slick Willy. This forecast is not based upon wishful thinking or gut feelings. Instead, this is the prognostication arrived at by our unbiased computer models. Figure #1 Figure #1 above […]

Political Analysis

Political Forecasting Political forecasting is critical to the overall economic modeling. Our model is the only thing that correctly forecast both BREXIT and that Trump would win. Revolutions, coups, and political unrest disturb the trends in assets and currencies not to mention introduction political risk for capital investment. Attempting to introduce poll results into political […]

Real Estate 15yr v 30yr Mortgage & New Electronic Currency Coming

Locking in a mortgage at these low rates makes send for it will be a hedge against the real estate. The 15 year mortgage is more practical in that it saves interest costs. The 30 year was a Great Depression invention to try to support the real estate market by allowing people to buy on […]

Switzerland Joins NSA in Monitoring its Citizens

The Swiss have now introduced the Enlightenment Intelligence Agencies Act which expands the powers of government to secretly track citizens, tap phones, and to do so even if the person is not actually charged with or suspected of a crime. One by one, every country seems to be turning to Stalinist type tactics and are […]

The One-World Currency – Not Arriving Voluntarily

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, do you believe there is a conspiracy to create a one world currency to which the central banks ascribe to? Thank you JE ANSWER: No. That is thrown around by the real conspiracy theorists who see everything as a giant planned plot form people who are actually in control of something. This is […]

The Upcoming Conferences & the Difference

The March Solution Conference is explaining what is happening and presenting practical solutions for the future. This is designed for everyone. We are preparing a bill for Congress to be championed on Capitol Hill. It is perhaps strategically designed to start a debate that there is the other side of Marxism where taxes are truly no […]

China Copies NSA but by Legislation

China will most likely pass a very far-reaching counter-terrorism act which adopts by legislation everything the NSA has been doing illegally behind the scenes and Congress along with Obama have endorsed. China will require technology firms to hand over encryption keys and install security “backdoors” just as the NSA has done secretly. China is effectively […]