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Thousands Protesting in London – It’s All for Nothing without Freedom!

Thousands are marching in protest once more in London and as usual, you have to turn to RT of the Russians to get the truth. Sources have been warning that Johnson wants to use the variants arising to impose lockdowns into the Spring of 2022 and it is really for the Great Reset and a […]

Market Talk – June 24, 2021

ASIA: A report published by United Nations Development Programme highlights that trade shocks fueled by unilateral tariffs between the U.S. and China have undone three to five years’ worth of growth among global value chains in affected countries. The report found looking at the post-pandemic future of global value chains found that trade within those […]

Market Talk – June 22, 2021

ASIA: China’s imports from Saudi Arabia fell 21% in May from a year earlier but retained their top ranking among suppliers for the ninth month in a row, customs data showed on Sunday. Shipments from Saudi Arabia were 7.2 million tonnes last month, or 1.69 million barrels per day (bpd), data from the General Administration […]

USA’s Forever Wars

The House voted on Thursday to repeal the war resolution that paved the way for the U.S. military invasion of Iraq. This has allowed for what people have called America’s “forever wars.” The Senate has said they will take it up and the White House says it will sign it. Perhaps this will get to […]

Agree to Disagree

Politicians never agree to disagree. In America, politicians can only see things in black and white (i.e., red or blue). The two sides act like magnets attracting. Bipartisanship is a show for the masses. Reverse psychology is defined as “the principle or practice of subtly encouraging a behavior or belief by advocating its opposite.” Perhaps […]

An Interview With Putin   Despite all the accusations thrown at Putin, my assessment of world leaders is clear that he is the most intelligent of the entire lot. In this piece, he brings up the ruthless arrest of 450 people who “stormed the capitol” on January 6th and how the Democrats are imprisoning them for 15 to […]

Market Talk – June 15, 2021

ASIA: NATO leaders warned on Monday that China presents “systemic challenges,” taking a forceful stance towards Beijing in a communique at Joe Biden’s first summit with an alliance that Donald Trump openly disparaged. The new U.S. president has urged his fellow NATO leaders to stand up to China’s authoritarianism and growing military might, a change […]

Modern-Day Serfdom is the End Goal?

QUESTION: Regarding the G7, which committed us to more stimulus, I can totally see where this is going. You are the historian. Do you not think this is where we end up – capitatio-lugatio. Same exact pattern. Anonymous ANSWER: For those who are not familiar with capitatio-lugatio, this was the tax collection system developed by Diocletian […]

BBC Just Admits 50% of Deaths Include Vaccinated People!

  What is really going on behind these vaccines? The BBC reported the statistic of the new Delta variant of COVID and 50% of the deaths are people who had already been vaccinated. As I have warned, this virus may not have been intended to create a genocide to reduce the population as Bill Gates […]

G7 Moving to Destroy Economy & Democracy

  The G7 meeting +1 (EU) met in Cornwall in southwest England. The London Financial Times, which has openly come out and advocated the Great Reset, reported that “Joe Biden has won support at the G7 summit for a ‘carry on spending’ plan, as western leaders rejected austerity in a post-Covid world and vowed to […]