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Democrats Moving to Impose Wealth Tax – 5% of All Assets

In Germany during December 1922, the last straw that broke the back of the German economy was a forced loan of 10% of all your assets. This destroyed the confidence that remained in the Weimar Republic and thereafter people withdrew the money from banks and started to convert to other currencies and to buy whatever […]

Market Talk – June 14, 2021

ASIA: China has accused the G7 of “political manipulation” after it criticized Beijing over a range of issues. In a joint statement at the end of a three-day summit, leaders of the G7 countries urged China to “respect human rights and fundamental freedoms.” Experts generally agree that China has detained as many as a million […]

Resistance is not Futile – The Little Guy Can Win

  The interesting thing about small dogs is they do not realize they are small. We need to think the same way. For years I have watched the pros focus on statistics and get caught by surprise. The stats reflect what the average person already did last month, quarter, or year. Plenty of times I […]

BBC Just Admits 50% of Deaths Include Vaccinated People!

  What is really going on behind these vaccines? The BBC reported the statistic of the new Delta variant of COVID and 50% of the deaths are people who had already been vaccinated. As I have warned, this virus may not have been intended to create a genocide to reduce the population as Bill Gates […]

G7 Moving to Destroy Economy & Democracy

  The G7 meeting +1 (EU) met in Cornwall in southwest England. The London Financial Times, which has openly come out and advocated the Great Reset, reported that “Joe Biden has won support at the G7 summit for a ‘carry on spending’ plan, as western leaders rejected austerity in a post-Covid world and vowed to […]

Market Talk – June 11, 2021

ASIA: Didi Chuxing, China’s biggest ride-hailing firm, on Thursday, made public the filing for its long-anticipated U.S. stock market listing, setting the stage for what is expected to be the world’s biggest initial public offering this year. The company – backed by Asia’s largest technology investment firms, SoftBank, Alibaba, and Tencent – did not reveal […]

Market Talk – June 10, 2021

ASIA: Indian economy is expected to expand 8.3 percent in fiscal year 2021-22, a report by World Bank projected on Tuesday. In its latest issue of Global Economic Prospects, the Washington-based global lender said that even though the forecast has been revised up by 2.9 percentage points, its masks significant expected economic damage from the […]

Market Talk – June 9, 2021

ASIA: China has denounced a US Senate bill worth approximately $250bn that aims to boost American technology and manufacturing prowess as an example of the US hyping up “the so-called China threat,” and accused Washington of attempting to hinder its development. The Senate on Tuesday overwhelmingly approved the Innovation and Competition Act. The expansive legislation, […]


QUESTION: Hi Marty, I have read your blog every day for years and you really appreciate the behind the curtain look at the world. You mentioned that gold is not manipulated which I can understand. My question is if the Silver market is really manipulated or not? I read that JP Morgan has been fined […]

Market Talk – June 8, 2021

ASIA: China on Tuesday warned the United States against pursuing a trade deal with Taiwan after the US said it would start negotiations with the self-ruled island. Beijing sees democratic Taiwan as part of its territory. On Tuesday, China’s foreign ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian urged Washington to “stop any form of official exchanges with Taiwan, […]