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Did Aborigines Create Global Warming In Australia? Hello, Coming Ice Age?

By cross-referencing tree-ring data and coral core samples, a team of researchers have revealed that Australia suffered the worst drought in history before the whites settled there from Britain.  There was virtually no rainfall and rivers simply ran dry. Much of the wildlife died and massive bushfires ravaged the landscape, as we see in California these […]

UN Admits Paris Accord Will Never Work

The latest on the global warming front is a UN report on the “emissions gap” that admits the Paris Accord would never work. The UN has admitted that the environmentalists have made dire forecasts that assumed whatever trend was in motion would remain in motion. They ignored all other evidence and cycles. Even if every […]

Italy Falls into Recession

QUESTION: It is official. Italy is now in recession. Obviously, the Fed is looking outside its own economy. Your Economic Confidence Model is remarkable. I have been following you now for more than 10 years. It has always been correct. Why does the economic community and governments pretend you cannot forecast the economy? You have proven […]

Economic & Real Estate Bubbles

QUESTION: I work in the construction industry in Phoenix Arizona and there has been a boom in new construction for apartments, condos massive housing tracts and all of the retail that follows this. When I read about your worldwide property crash forecast the economic forecast for growth in our market is that that there is […]

Nothing Can be Reduced to a Single Cause & Effect be it Markets or Nature

QUESTION: Dear Mr. Armstrong, Thanks for the Socrates forecast. Just a question. What will possibly happen to existing Tropic Belt countries like my region South East Asia when the world is turning into global cooling? Any forecast? Regards, SS ANSWER: I am awaiting their data to run it through and see what comes out. This is […]

Markets Cheer a Recession?

The rally in gold and the stock market together is demonstrating that eventually, we will see the alignment as it transforms from Public to Private assets. The most deranged reaction to the Federal Reserve saying they will be “patient” on any further rate moves, is just beyond all reason. But markets are not always rational […]

Will Trump Lose in 2020? But to Who?

  There is a very interesting aspect of our model which will begin to come into play in 2020. The cycle is changing here in 2019 and we are entering a period of a new political trend into 2023. This not such a great thing for either party. What is clearly taking place is that […]

Will Trump be Defeated by Schultz in 2020? The World Economic Conference May 3-4, 2019 in Rome

Rome - May 3-4, 2019 (Materials Available for Purchase; Video Now Available)
Orlando - October 25-26, 2019 (TICKETS STILL AVAILABLE)

Climate Change & Commodities

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I love the fact that you look at everything from a pure cyclical perspective. Al Gore who started this whole mess was not a climatologist. He was a politician. You are 100% correct that people will believe what they want to believe. There is no talking to one of this idiots. When […]

Governments Are Sucking in Assets like a Black Hole

QUESTION: Hello Sir, I am French and have been reading you for many years (I already read you while you published papers while you were very unfairly imprisoned). I signed up for Socrates on 6th January and must thank you warmly for opening my eyes to the real state of the global economy and its cycles. […]