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Could the Fed Ever Exit the Repo Market?

It is stunning how after more than three months, the analysis on the repo market is still nowhere close to reality. I believe that those in the trenches are, like me, afraid to really explain what is taking place for fear they will be blamed for creating a financial panic. The popular explanation in September […]

Market Talk – January 10, 2020

ASIA: Apple saw a huge boost in iPhone sales in China last month, but embattled tech giant Huawei won’t giving up the top spot anytime soon. Sales for the iPhone jumped 18% in December compared to the same month a year earlier, according to data from the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology. The […]

Market Talk – January 8, 2020

ASIA: China has announced they will ban all foreign materials from the classroom in order to keep students focused on the “Chinese” way. The Ministry of Education said that they will insist that education materials promote Marxism and reflect the Chinese style. “All primary and secondary school teaching materials must reflect the will of the […]

The Pursuit of Knowledge

QUESTION: Hello Marty, I am fascinated by Socrates as it has opened my mind to patterns in my own nature and the flow in life. In fact, your economic models have open my awareness of the cycles in my life. As I have experienced support, resistance, reversals, phase transition and slingshots out of expanded consciousness. […]

Puerto Rico Earthquake

Many people have been writing in asking what does Socrates have to say on the earthquake that shook Puerto Rico. This was the first people have really felt since 1917. While such earthquakes may appear to be rare events, there is a general 19.29-year cycle on earthquakes in that general region of the Caribbean. Here […]

The Decline & Fall of Religion?

In truth, everything has its cycle. There is no escaping this reality upon which the entire universe was created. There has been a steady decline in church membership which has been consistent with perhaps the politically correct movement with the broader societal trends that also manifest in the declining church attendance. There appears to be […]

US & British Are Torturing Julian Assange With Intent to Kill Him

The US prosecutors are conspiring with the British to ensure that Julian Assange never goes to trial and what is taking place is the collapse of civility and Justice which has become sheer vengeance and political prosecution. The British will not allow independent doctors to visit Assange meanwhile they have been keeping him like Jeffrey […]

Is World War III on the Horizon?

QUESTION:  Martin, I have been following your blog for several months and have begun to start reading older posts because it is all amazing work. When looking at your war cycle with Russia that started in 2014 and supposedly cycles roughly 25 years, I noticed that correlates nicely with your ECM on Russia peaking around […]

Gold, War, & the ECM

QUESTION: Marty, Do you think it will be time to short the bonds with the ECM? Gold had bounced off the Downtrend line instead of electing the bearish reversals and it rallied after the Pi turning point. You said if gold peaked with the bottom of the ECM it could then fall back to retest […]

Chairman of Nissan Flees Japan Over Corrupt Japanese Legal System

Carlos Ghosn, who was chairman of Nissan and Mitsubishi Motors as well as chairman and CEO of alliance partner Renault, fled Japan where he was out on bail in Tokyo. Ghosn was facing questionable criminal charges regarding under-reporting his salary and abusing his position by transferring personal investment losses to Nissan. Bringing such charges against […]