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What Happens if the FED Does not Raise Rates?

QUESTION:  Dear Martin, If the Fed KNOWS that raising rates will cause a problem (to say the least) for 1) Bond Market 2) rates on reserves 3) Debt interest 4) sluggish US economy with numbers turning down now then why should they raise rates just because capital flows are coming here and pushing up stocks? Why […]

Sorry Donations Not Accepted – Just Spread the Word

COMMENT: Hello Sir, ive been following you for years and though i struggle to understand how to read /interpret your data ive still managed to trade your pointers and make some money when i can understand it. for all youve done and continue to do im certain many of us are grateful more than we can […]

Why Japan is Not Greece or EU For that Matter

QUESTION: Hello Martin There are a few writers who speculate the the yen will be the first currency to fall (because Japan has been tied into QE and flat interest rates for decades already, and their manufacturing is suffering).  How do you think the currency situation will play out for Japan?   thank you   best […]

Italy Trying to Seize all Ancient Coins found in Europe Desperate for Money

The U.S. State Department and U.S. Customs have already drastically limited our ability to import Greek, Punic, Etruscan, and early Republican coins struck in Italy into the United States that lack a historical pedigree – proof that they were in a collection previously. As government become increasingly broke because of their fiscal mismanagement and greedy […]

The Euro – Destined for 80 cents?

QUESTION: Marty, my hat is off to you mate. You are spot on about politically-correct forecasting. There was nobody out there but you saying the Euro was heading back to par. Yet not a single mainstream media will dare write an article about you or that forecast. It is more than the Bank of England […]

Cyclical – Techical – Fundamental Analysis

  QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Is it really possible to combine all three forms of analysis in a coherent manner that is consistent? ANSWER: No. Anyone claiming this can be achieved really has no experience and is more likely than not a snake-oil salesman. The vast array of fundamentals that are taking place simultaneously can never […]

Model Overview

Within Western culture, the mere concept of economic activity taking the form of cyclical patterns of regularity is often dismissed as if it were a legend of ancient Atlantis or some mystic cult. The majority cling to the idea that economic trends and market movements are completely random occurrences within a constant state of unpredictable […]

US Share Market Outlook

  The US share market compared to the DAX is lagging. We can see our Energy models have been declining as we have pressed begrudgingly higher. The Oscillators, more commonly used, are crawling at the highs. While we still see the potential for new highs here in March, the lack of a spike high on […]

So What’s Up With the DAX?

  Previously I have warned that the DAX would press higher as the object of capital flight within Europe. The problem we are facing is that the DAX could peak-out with this ECM turning point. If this were to unfold with a high in the DAX to the day of the ECM, this will be […]

Comment from a Reader & Manipulations

I have received a lot of emails of support ever since the gold promoters once again try to slander me to prevent people from listening to any view other than that presented by them. The most abusive promoters who will never say sell act the same as government and the bankers. It is just that […]