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Market Talk – June 7, 2021

ASIA: China bought fewer American products in May versus the prior month, while exports to the U.S. rose, according to customs data released Monday. China bought $13.11 billion dollars worth of goods from the U.S. in May, down from $13.94 billion in April, data accessed through Wind Information showed. May’s figure marked the lowest monthly […]

Biden, Trump & More Insanity

  I am sure that Joe Biden made another huge gaff. He actually just said that nobody making less than $400,000 will pay a penny in tax. I’m sure he meant they will not pay “more” but I would love to see him put that in an executive order. Everyone who even gets $500,000 in […]

Market Talk – June 4, 2021

ASIA: China accused the United States of “suppressing” Chinese firms and issued veiled threats of retaliation on Friday after President Joe Biden expanded a blacklist of companies Americans are barred from investing in. Biden on Thursday widened a list to 59 Chinese companies that are off-limits to American investors over their links to Beijing’s “military-industrial […]

Gates & Schwab Control Europe

  I have warned from the outset that the entire COVID Pandemic has been created. The idea of COVID Passports is to reduce travel to cut CO2. Ursula von der Leyen, the head of the EU, was also a board member of the World Economic Forum. So is the head of the IMF and the […]

Fauci under Global Attack

Fauci is under attack globally and has shown himself to be unreliable and should be fired – PERIOD! All the emails that have come out from an FOIA request are interesting, and it shows he has information that was credible concerning a leak from the lab in Wuhan. Let me make this PERFECTLY clear! This […]

Market Talk – June 3, 2021

ASIA: Chinese businesses are letting go of more workers than they are hiring, even though the economy is seeing some recovery from the pandemic, official data showed Monday. A survey conducted by National Bureau of Statistics, which polls businesses on how their operations have changed from the prior month, and compiles the responses into two […]

The Cyberattacks Are to Force the End of Paper Money

    I find it interesting how nobody seems to distinguish between a digital currency and blockchain cryptocurrency. The former is not traceable other than that transaction. To eliminate cybercriminals, the World Economic Forum is pushing ending paper money and moving to cryptocurrencies – not digital. With blockchain, the government would be able to trace […]

Build Back Better Slogan of DAVOS

  QUESTION: Why is the press so blind to the simple fact that all of these leaders are using the same slogan? This has never happened in history before. HE ANSWER: Journalists are willfully blind or those who are not are gagged by management. I would say it is fairer to blame the management for […]

Market Talk – June 1, 2021

ASIA: China has announced that it will allow couples to have up to three children after census data showed a steep decline in birth rates. The cost of raising children in cities has deterred many Chinese couples. The latest move was approved by President Xi Jinping at a meeting of top Communist Party officials. Chinese […]

Was Fauci the next move in this Chess Game of the Great Reset

QUESTION: Hi Martin, Thank you for everything that you do. We know that had Gates and Schwab wanted to keep the narrative of this virus being of natural origin, they would have. The flood gates opened when Fauci admitted (he was told what to say) that this virus could have been produced in a lab.  […]