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Elizabeth Warren’s Wealth Tax – How to Destroy the United States in Less than 10 years

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I have been reading your blog for years now. It is obvious that you are well connected behind the curtain. It did not take but perhaps a day or two after you explain the difference between wealth and income to suddenly see Elizabeth Warren adopting the position to impose a wealth tax […]

We are All Connected & for an End Game Purpose

COMMENT:  Dear Mr. Armstrong, I’m reading your blog for 10 years, every single day, first thing in the morning. It changed me and my views on events in pretty much everything. I want to say a heartfelt THANK YOU for your titanic work, that you made available to people around the world, changing them for […]

Trump & China Trade Deal – Cyclically On Target? When Mexican Coins Traded at a Premium to America’s

QUESTION: Marty; Are there any cycles dealing with the trade dispute with China that are relevant? OP ANSWER: Actually, yes. The United States created a two-tier monetary system in 1873 to accommodate trade with China who was on a silver standard rather than gold. The actual timing is 17 intervals if the 8.6-year frequency of the […]

Margaret Thatcher on the True Duty of Government

  I have been asked many times why I was friends with Margaret Thatcher. I’ve also been asked if I have known any other politicians since who I was proud to call a friend. This video explains a lot as to why we were friends. We shared a view that really no longer exists in […]

Gann – Astrology – Reality

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Do you have any thoughts on Gann and his methods?   It seems his astrological approach provides an interesting insights into cycles as well and was curious on your thoughts about his approach Thanks BB   ANSWER: None of the models I have created are based upon any astrological approach or movement of the […]

The Difference between 2020 and 2032

QUESTION: Hi Martin, My girlfriend brought up a point about your work during coffee this morning. Basically, she’s confused about the two dates you often mention, 2020 and 2032. She wants to know which date (2020, 2032) you expect the markets move into crises mode due to the lack of confidence in government. I tried to […]

Why central banks cannot really Manage Anything

QUESTION: Marty you recently said that “the entire problem of lowering interest rates to ‘stimulate’ the economy demonstrates that central banks cannot really manage anything.” Is this statement really true? BG ANSWER: Absolutely. There is a basic presumption in all human activity that somehow we possess the power to do anything be it end Global […]

Magnetic Poles Are Moving Rapidly as Never Before – Precursor to a Pole Shift?

The magnetic poles on the Sun flip about every 11 years. Since nobody lives there, we really have no idea what the effects would be. On Earth, the major pole shifts that are permanent tend to be in the 720,000 years range. So once again, there was nobody around to record what really happens. I […]

Using Cameras in the Hunt for Taxes

COMMENT: Hi, Hunt for taxes is running full scale in Scandinavia. In Sweden, all vehicles including foreign registered vehicles, are obliged to pay congestion taxes in Stockholm and Gothenburg as well as infrastructure charges in Motala and Sundsvall. Sometimes, the automatic camera system reads the license plate falsely and few people in Finland have gotten monthly […]

Germany Slips into Recession Following the Economic Confidence Model

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; Your ECM has been amazingly accurate. Not only did real estate peak, but it is now official, Germany is in a recession. Great job HW REPLY: There is an accurate business cycle that unfolds but you must step back and observe it from a global perspective. The Economic Confidence Model has a […]