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Three Levels of Service

  At Princeton Economics Intl, we have divided our services into three main categories so we have allowed access to the overall view of the global economy for the basic average person we call the INVESTOR, followed by the more active TRADER who likes to buy and sell various markets and instruments, and our famous […]

Fed & its Rate Hike

As we have warned, higher interest rates are NOT BEARISH but BULLISH for the market. Anyone who dares to peek under the rug at history for past performance will see U.S. stocks rally with higher rates. A simple correlation ALWAYS reveals rates rise with bull markets and decline in bear markets. It is just nuts […]

The Fed & the Future

While everyone seems to be placing a huge question on whether the Fed will raise rates or not, the markets have already factored in the rate rise for some time. The Fed was scheduled to raise rates in June, but the IMF turned to the press to criticize them to prevent a rate hike. Then in […]

Financial Instability & the Fed

The argument that the Fed should do nothing because it will be harder to correct a rate rise than to do nothing because there is no bubble anywhere, demonstrates that we have the most serious BUBBLE in history. Retail participation in markets is still off by 50% from 2007 highs. People have invested in fixed income and […]

One Reason Not to Vote Republican

The political elites do not like Trump or ANY outsider. Now, top Republican Party officials are actually discussing the possibility of a brokered convention — a DICTATORSHIP — where the choice of the people will have no input. Since Trump is leading in double digits against all career politicians, the only way for Washington and the press to maintain their power […]

The FED v Bias & Prejudice

COMMENT: If the Fed is so smart and understands the problem with low/negative interest rates, then why didn’t it hike rates in September?  Better yet, why didn’t they raise rates YEARS ago?  The Fed has kept rates near zero for seven years but now suddenly realizes that this is a problem? I am surprised that you […]

ECB & The Failed QE Stimulus

The central banks are simply trapped. They have bought in bonds under the theory that this will stimulate the economy by injecting cash. But there are several problems with this entire concept. This is an elitist view to say the least for the money injected does not stimulate the economy for it never reaches the […]

The World Economy – A Balancing Act Soon to Collapse?

  COMMENT: Dear Martin, From reading your blog and other news I can conclude that the low interest rate has failed to increase the private business activities to the level that normally would require an increase in interest rates. The arguments now are to increase interest rates to save pensions funds and to be able […]

Market Talk – November 24th, 2015

The morning session in Asia was rather dull but all recovered in the afternoon into positive territory with the exception being Hang Seng (which was still down -0.3%). Europe drifted into the negative shortly after the open as news was still focused on the nervous Belgium shut-down. All trading was dull and in thin conditions […]

Yellen Argues for Gradual Rate Hike

The expedited meeting at the Fed unnerved many. While no economic policy change should be expected before the December 15-16 meeting, the Fed is clearly not in the camp of negative interest rates. They are looking to raise rates to aid pension funds and you cannot lower rates to “stimulate” the economy (although that never […]