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Cycle of War & Political Economy

Copyright Martin Armstrong all Rights Reserved January 8th, 2013 At our conferences around the world, we have discussed the Cycle of War and how this too has been incredibly accurate demonstrating that what may appear to be random, is really highly ordered chaos. This turns in 2014. To set the record straight, so far there […]

Fate of Europe 2013

Copyright Martin Armstrong all rights reserved January 7th, 2013  The European Central Bank is taking a deep breath as its President Mario Draghi now turns his attention to desperately trying to nurse the Eurozone back to some stable economic health. The crisis management measures of the last three years have subsided for now as the […]

A Massive Exodus From France

They say the definition of pure insanity is continually doing the same thing over and over again while expecting a different result. Under that definition, all politicians should be committed PERMANENTLY. Entrepreneurs who can move out of France are doing so ASAP. Reports are coming in from Spain, Switzerland, and Ireland where French concerns are starting […]

Fiscal Cliff – There Ought To Be A Law Against This Shit

While it is likely that the US politicians will vote now before the new Congress comes in because that was the deal (lame-duck), there is a serious consequence to this sort of crisis management that Congress has preferred waiting to the last minute for everything. When I wrote that the threshold for reporting money transfers […]


We look like we are still here – or at least I am and back in the USA. In the Maya report I provided the the real story. To the Maya, this was a BEGINNING, not an end. There is a high correlation to political changes with the Maya Baktuns – 394.26 years. This may […]

US Is killing The Global Economy

The United States is the ONLY country that taxes American citizens even if they have never lived in the United States at any time. Once born American, you owe taxes as an economic slave even when you receive nothing and have never lived in the USA. This law passed last December that authorizes the confiscation […]

Regulators Assist Banks in Manipulations

In 1993 when the CFTC first picked up excessive trading in silver at PhiBro, the CFTC ran in and demanded to know who the client was. PhiBro refused to tell them it was Warren Buffet and the CFTC said exit the trade. That is why they began to move to London. It is becoming increasingly […]

The Roosevelt Taking of Gold Was Unconstitutional

  Copyright Martin Armstrong All Rights Reserved December 6th, 2012 The Roosevelt Taking of Gold Was Unconstitutional Gold is a commodity for trading as well as something you put in your sock drawer for a rainy day. They are two different things entirely. The fanatic Goldbugs who argue only gold will survive and hate my […]


It is just amazing that there are fanatics who somehow see gold as the exception to everything as if it were some mystical thing and not an investment, hedge or market at all. They portray me with such hatred even claiming I do manipulate the world economy because I said gold would pause and that […]

Married to an Idea – The Dow & Elliot Wave

In trading, the first primary rule is: Do not marry the trade! This is what destroyed Japan. Because of the accounting rules Japanese investors did not have to report a loss until they took it. That rule (not marked to market) led to the Japanese holding losing positions until they cried blood from their eye […]