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The Rising Tide of Civil Unrest Globally

COMMENT: Hello Martin, thanks a lot for your awesome work. I am from Germany and just wanted to let you know that the political situation here is more and more becoming like 1933. Last week, there was a bombing of an AFD office in Döbeln (Saxon). Luckily nobody got injured. Yesterday one AFD Politician, Frank […]

Yellow Vest Movement Spreads to Australia & Poland

We are witnessing the Yellow Vest Movement now also spreading to Australia. We are seeing the rise there and in Canada also against Fake News that the media is desperately fighting Trump on who now label him an idiot in headlines. We are also witnessing a backlash against taking in the Muslim claimed refugees from Syria […]

Rigging the Markets

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really want to thank you. You have opened the door to show that there is a hidden order that the great unwashed are unable to see. Not only did you say the Dow was not breaking out at the October high, but you even got the day of the low on […]

The Myth of the Plunge Protection Team

COMMENT: It looks like the Plunge Protection Team had a field day with the 1,000 rally in the Dow. Back in the 70s I read a small article near the back page of the WSJ that said that the CIA was using two small obscure banks in the Midwest to trade futures. The way they do it is […]

Climate Change & the Blame Game has been going on Since the 1890s

COMMENT: I really get annoyed by people who say well it has been warm here so what happens elsewhere is irrelevant. They are idiots and cannot see the whole and just want to blame humans for everything. I can see how our situation is hopeless when it comes to climate change. All the best JS ANSWER: […]

VICE – The Dick Cheney/Rumsfeld Conspiracy

  I went to go watch VICE – the story about how Dick Cheney took over the government with the aid of his wife – Lynne Cheney. Vice is a film that seeks to bring complicated information about the inner corruption in Washington and transform it into a digestible and entertaining format. There is no question that Christian […]

The Coming Mini Ice Age & Cyclical Movement of the Tropics Belt Itself

We have the most sophisticated and diverse client base than probably any institution covering more than 100 countries. Our business has been constructed upon one bedrock foundation – unbiased computer analysis. These forecasts are NEVER my personal opinion. There are plenty of people who seek to argue but fail to understand it is NOT ME! Just because someone claims […]

Dow & the Future

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I understand at the WEC you told the audience the stock market would correct sharply into January/February. For those of us who could not afford to attend a WEC, are we to expect the slingshot you have been warning should take place? Thank you; HP ANSWER: Yes. Timing is absolutely everything. DO […]

The Absurd Theory of Rising Sea Levels is a Child’s Bedtime Story

QUESTION: Marty I read your daily newsletters as the only source of real news ‘out there’ Fascinated by the report that Canadians are discovering thickening ice cover How do I convince reporters for the much respected ‘Wired’ magazine and the Popular Mechanics website that their constant refrain of ice melts, rising sea levels et al is […]

Why Will Alberta move to Separate from Canada

QUESTION: Hi Mr. Armstrong, Quick question for you, as someone who grew up in Quebec in the 90’s, when Quebec was voting to separate. And now living in Alberta, and seeing the sheer anger here towards Canada, is there a legitimate chance Alberta moves towards the path of separation and actually brings it to a vote? […]