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The Crisis is Turkey

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan of Turkey is finding his dreams of an all-powerful resurrection of the Ottoman Empire are falling apart. Qatar has come to the aid of Turkey offering $15 billion in a loan, but keep in mind that the entire issue with Syria began with Qatar proposing a pipeline through Syria to compete with natural […]

Always Blame Your Enemy – Turkey is Endangering the Entire World Economy

COMMENT: Marty, On Aug 12/18 you wrote about “Iran and & Turkey Ripe for Revolution?” and in that blog, you mentioned … They will both turn toward Russia for help and portray their political crisis as a CIA plot. When watching the news the other night, I noticed this is exactly what Turkey is doing; […]

Market Talk- August 15, 2018

Well, that bounce was short-lived! China led Asia lower today even as Turkey was recovering. Core Shanghai has found it difficult even with good news. The debt overhang and the sudden decline in allocated cash continue to have a negative effect on the Shanghai, which closed down over 2% today. The Yuan is suffering as […]

This is No Joke – Monetary Reform Will Be Forced Upon the World

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I really understand why the government wanted your model so bad. You have been the only one to correctly forecast the entire world. The emerging markets are cracking and the euro is falling apart. What is next in your timetable? ANSWER: We have been warning that the first to crack would be […]

Our Worst Nightmares are Starting to Take Shape in Reality

The Euro has continued to fall dropping at the time of this post to 11343. The bottom of this channel lies at the 11315 area and behind the curtain, our phone is in meltdown mode.  After’s Italy warning that the ECB has to keep QE going or the entire bond market will collapse forcing the […]

Market Talk- August 14, 2018

It was good to see a healthy 2.28% bounce in the Nikkei today, especially after yesterdays 2% decline. Unfortunately, some of this was at the expense of the currency as the Yen lost 0.5% back to a 111 handle. The currency drop helped exporters recover some of yesterdays losses, but there is still plenty of […]

Precious Metals were Worth Less than the Coinage

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I do not understand your statement that even when coins were silver and gold, they were still a form of fiat money. Could you explain that please? BB ANSWER: The evidence that supports that statement is abundant. We find coins of the immediate financial capital be it Greece or Rome, were IMITATED […]

Market Talk- August 13, 2018

Asia suffered from the Friday hangover with most core indices falling over -1.5%. All eyes and ears continued to focus on Turkey again today and especially seeing the Lira opened with a 7 handle. It has been scrambling to recover opening losses and did manage a 6.45 print early European trading, but has been struggling […]

Iran and & Turkey Ripe for Revolution?

A Revolution is brewing not just in Turkey, but also in Iran. More than 100,000 people have taken to the streets chanting death to the dictator. The currency has simply collapsed as it moves into hyperinflation. Once again, as we see this take place, CONFIDENCE in the government is collapsing. This is the key to […]

Are Cryptocurrencies A Fictional Dream?

COMMENT: Dear Mr. Armstrong; I suppose we have to learn the hard way. Our electronic currency system crashed here in Zimbabwe. Many people were using it because of the old hyperinflation. The argument that private money would be better than government made a lot of sense here given the history. Most people were using US […]