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Vaccines & Illegal Aliens Causing a Health Crisis?

COMMENT #1: I am about your age. 35 years ago my niece died 10 days after receiving the MMR vaccine at 18 months old. 2 years prior her sister nearly died 10 days after receiving the MMR vaccine, still with a disability. I asked many Doctors was it the vaccine they all said no. I […]

Central Banks Buying More Equities than Gold? Why?

QUESTION: Marty; It seems when Goldman Sachs makes a recommendation, it tends to be the kiss of death. They came out and said the stock market was going to crash at the end of 2017 just before it broke out. Now they are pitching gold but they have been the ones who controlled the warehouses. […]

If Vaccines are Safe Why Did Congress Eliminate Your Right to Sue Pharmaceutical Companies?

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for your blog on “Pharmaceutical Companies & Buying Immunity”. We are dealing with the same laws trying to be passed in Oregon. There is so much hatred towards those that don’t fully vaccinate in our society. My brother-in-law (who is a MD) and his family will not visit us […]

Vaccines & Corruption

COMMENT #1: Thank you so much for addressing the vaccine crisis in this country. You are brave indeed to always stand up for what is right. Obviously, that’s why they try to shut you up. Your courage is infecting. Keep it up! DV COMMENT #2: Thank you for your blogs on vaccines. Here in California, […]

IMPEACHMENT – Big Risk for Democrats

The House vote on impeaching Trump may be the stake through the heart of the Democratic Party. Most of the people newly elected were extremely left and they remain vulnerable when they barely made it to Congress, like AOC whose approval rating is just 31%. This will be a test for the moderates v the […]

Market Talk – December 13, 2019

ASIA: US and China have passed “phase one” of the trade deal, which has halted the upcoming Sunday tariffs that would have applied tariffs on 160 Billion USD worth of goods. China, meanwhile, has agreed to up their spending on US agricultural products to 50 billion USD in the new year. Trump tweeted that they […]

Media Conspiracy that the Washington Post & NY Times Declined to Join

What is fascinating is the revelation that mainstream media has indeed conspired with the group led by Greenpeace to sell climate change. This includes the top names like CBS, Bloomberg, BuzzFeed, HuffPost, The Daily Beast, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, Slate, Vanity Fair, and even the Weather Channel. However, both the left-leaning Washington Post and New York […]

Pollution v Climate Change

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; in searching your writings you acknowledge that pollution is a problem. So to be clear, you distinguish pollution from climate change? Can you articulate the difference? HJ ANSWER: We all want clean air, water, and the environment. As I have said, I lived in London in the mid-1980s when the buses were […]

Greta & Mother Living Lavishly?

The latest rumor running around Europe is based on this photo of Greta Thunberg and her mother living above normal European standards of living, sitting in posh or elegant and stylishly luxurious chairs. Greta’s speeches appear to be written by Jennifer Morgan of Greenpeace. They had Greta further their Marxist agenda saying: “Our biosphere is […]

FREXIT – Is France Hurling toward Exiting the EU?

France is by no means calming down. There is a major underlying problem in France which is rising to the surface in direct confrontation with the government and Macron’s ambition to lead Europe. Macron’s confrontation with Trump over NATO is a reflection of a historical posture of the French government that has resented both Germany […]