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WHO is Corrupt Beyond Question

  A lot of people are becoming whistleblowers. It is really astounding why people defend these measures, yet at the same time, they chastize capitalism as corrupt. Trump withdrew from the WHO and Biden rejoined. But if you look closely, Ronald Regan also withdrew from the WHO. This was not just a Trump thing. Bill […]

Why Republics Are Always the Worst Form of Government

COMMENT: I think the only woman he shook hands with, ironically, was Margery Taylor Green, if that was her – it’s hard to tell these days. Another troubling idea he introduced, if I’m not mistaken, was to start indoctrinating kids in junior kindergarten. At the end everybody crowded around Biden and held his fists for […]

Is Anything Real in the Biden Administration?

  Harris is walking up the steps pretending there is a plane. I have said before, we have no idea who is running the country but I believe the ties go directly to Geneva. We also have no idea of what is real or what is fake anymore and the press is out to overthrow […]

Civil War is Coming – GLOBALLY

  I have been in political meetings over the weekend. I cannot stress strongly enough that there are cracks appearing in this Great Reset Agenda. While Klaus Schwab’s evil dreams of redesigning the world may be spearheaded by corruption, bribes, and influence, the end goal is really not that distant from the Communist Revolutions and […]

Why Biden is the Perfect President   In all honesty, what people call “natural law” is simply a vague body of moral principles regarded as a basis for all human conduct. There is no written law, nor is there some great principle shared among nations. There is international law, and there is the international definition of human rights. But there […]

Market Talk – April 23, 2021

ASIA: India’s biggest oil refiner, Indian Oil Corp Ltd’s refineries are operating at about 95% of their capacity, down from 100% at the same time last month, Reuters reported. Coronavirus cases have surged in India, leading to curbs on movement across the country, a move analyst say could hit fuel demand in the world’s third-largest […]

The DOJ has Always Been a Political Tool

QUESTION: You said that Barr would not defend Trump. Are you implying that the DOJ is just a tool of the President? GH ANSWER: Absolutely. Barr would not appoint even a special counsel to investigate Biden’s son. That was clearly an indication that he was there to protect the swamp and had no intention of […]

Anti-Vax War

COMMENT: You are just a right-wing anti-vaxer. anonymous REPLY: I am glad you believe everything every politician ever has to say if they are on the LEFT. The FDA was supposed to be independent. The government’s role under this social contract is supposed to stand between us and corporate greed. The government has used COVID […]

What Fools these Mortals Be

Fauci is political and has abandoned all medical advice. Historically, herd immunity is estimated to affect 60 to 70% of the population. Even the Black Plague killed about 50% of the population, and the survivors were naturally immune. Dr. Anthony Fauci and I use that title very loosely, has constantly shifted that number upward to […]

Can CNN be sued for the Blood They Have on their Hands?

COMMENT: Martin, I would visit my Dad in Boca and the TV would always be on CNN, but I could not hear it only read the subtitles.  I was disgusted to see the blatant propaganda and biased “reporting” which I read on screen.  As a proofreader at some of the top law firms in the […]