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Canadian Coast Guard Report Atlantic Ice is Increasing

The Canadian Coast Guard is reporting that the Atlantic Ice in Canada is increasing. The extreme cold temperatures and the high winds have been combining to expand the Arctic ice this year. There is a natural cycle to this and they have reported that the seasonal “freeze up” is occurring three to four weeks ahead […]

Blaming Humans for Everything

COMMENT:  Hi Martin, while I concur with your views that humans are taking too much “credit” for climate change, I can’t say I agree with the chart you posted attributing such minimal reduction in CO2 values to eating a plant-based diet. The fact that eliminating meat from diets gets NO attention from the “it’s all […]

Global Warming Enthusiasts are really believers of the Malthusian Trap – Modern Witch Doctor Analysis

COMMENT: Dear Martin, You have pointed out several times that the agenda behind the global warming crowd is, besides taxes, also the reduction of the global population. Initially, I had difficulties believing in this “crazy conspiracy theory”, but I start to believe you could be right. Where I live, The Netherlands, the brainwashing machine to convince […]

Do Coins Reveal the Futility of our Times?

The study of coins, numismatics, has constantly expanded our knowledge of antiquity in recent decades through new discoveries which have proven so many old theories wrong and turned academics on their head when it comes to their theories. Without the consideration of the coins, many questions of ancient history would never be answered. Nevertheless, many […]

Will the 2020 Presidential Election be the Most Violent in American History?

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Thanks to you I am paying closer attention to what people are saying in politics these days. It seems to be that this was not a Blue Wave they were waging but a Blue War. It is very disturbing to see the hatred is still brewing against anyone who just wants to be […]

Clash between Catastrophe and Uniformity – The Global Warming Conspiracy

Woolly Rhinoceros Climate Change has existed throughout the history of our planet. When a Woolly Rhino was discovered frozen in Siberia intact back in 1774, that is the event that shook the scientific community. I have called this the Clash between Catastrophe and Uniformity which has produced an emotional issue corrupting scientific research for centuries as […]

Solar Magnetic Field Oscillations Confirm Global Cooling is Upon Us

  Professor Valentina Zharkova gave a presentation of her Climate and the Solar Magnetic Field hypothesis at the Global Warming Policy Foundation in October 2018. At the core of her work on the solar background magnetic field observed from the Earth, she revealed four pairs of dynamo waves, the pair with the highest eigenvalues are called […]

Why Has Farmland Exploded in Price? The Accidental Trend Correlation

  Most people have little idea WHY big money was targeting buying farmland in Canada, USA, and Australia. It was more than just Chinese investment. With interest rates down to negative, capital has been looking for returns. They were buying farmland and then renting it out generally for 5%. This created what many call the […]

Scientists Want to Synthetically Create a Volcanic Winter – Are they Just Nuts?

  Believe it or not, pretend Scientists are actually proposing to create a synthetic Volcanic Winter by spraying sun-dimming chemicals into the Earth’s atmosphere the same as a volcanoe when it erupts. These pretend research scientists at Harvard and Yale universities have published in the journal Environmental Research Letters proposing to inject an aerosol (SAI) to […]

Global Cooling is Real – Major Temperature Low 2046?

  While NASA has now confirmed that the outer atmosphere is getting cooler, it seems desperately insane for people to keep denying the possibility the Global Cooling is taking place rather than Global Warming when the former brings famine and the latter brings economic expansion as civilizations rise. The rise of Rome was due to […]