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The Bond Crisis & 2015.75

Some people have wrongly expected a crash in the long bonds. What has actually happened is that China and others have sold into the high, liquidating their long bonds, and moving short-term. This is why rates are negative on the short-end. The CRASH comes in the opposite direction this time. Why? Because the central banks […]

Gold & Politicians – Getting it Right For Once

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I heard you on Infowars. I understand how the gold standard would not solve anything for the problem is politicians and not what we call money. Some think that you can create a floating gold standard so gold would be money but not fixed. I really have a hard time seeing where […]

Market Talk — October 5, 2015

The market reaction to the U.S. data on Friday has confused many with both stocks and bonds bouncing into the close. Overnight, the Asian equity markets have continued the positive response. This has also carried into the European opening but interestingly only for equities. In the reaction in the bond markets, we have seen U.S. 10s remain just […]

Jobs & Markets

The jobs number came in sharply lower than expected. U.S. employers have not been hiring over the last two months and wages fell in September. With the 2015.75 turning point, we should begin to see declining economic numbers; a closing on the Dow below 15970 today will warn of a retest of the August low. […]

The ECM Turning Point — 2015.75 — the Start of a Trend Is Now

In Barcelona, many people asked if I thought the pro-independence parties in Spain’s Catalonia region would actually win. I told them it was inevitable as this is the global trend in motion. The vote for Catalonia is in and the separatists have won an absolute majority in regional elections. The separatist alliance and a smaller party […]

Blood Moon on Monday, September 28

The blood moon is a total lunar eclipse that results in the moon appearing in a copper red color. This event will be special since it is the fourth in a series of rare events within an 18-month period that began last April. The September 28 “Supermoon” eclipse will last some 72 minutes, reaching totality at […]

Debt, Debt, & More Debt: 2015.75

The 1985 World Economic Conference Back in 1985, we warned that the Sovereign Debt Crisis would emerge on 2015.75. How was 2015.75 forecast so far back? This is pi; 31.4 years into this Private Wave which began on 1985.65. At the 1998 World Economic Conference, we put out this slide listing the sequence of events. […]

The Future Rests in the Hands of the Youth

QUESTION: Hi mr. Armstrong, I’m aware of your blog for almost a year and try to daily follow your posts. I’m from the Netherlands and also over here government and other officials try to make the people believe that we’re recovering from the economic crisis. There is no mention given about a coming debt crisis. […]

Yellen Is Trapped in the Worst Nightmare Ever

Yellen has inherited a complete nightmare. Thursday’s decision to delay the long-awaited liftoff from a zero interest rate illustrates that the world economy is totally screwed. There is a lot of speculation about why the Fed seems so reluctant to “normalize monetary policy”. There are, of course, the typical domestic issues of low inflation and weak wage gains […]

Market Talk – September 12, 2015

It was a mixed session for Asia yesterday after what has been a very volatile week. The talk remains as to what China’s next move would/should be and “if” the Fed will move next week. This been the most awaited Fed decision in years and has been the hot topic just about everywhere. It was a clearer […]